Bangkok Post

Trump’s fixing it


When Andy Phillips commenced his tirade against Donald Trump, for me it was just more of the same hatred of a man duly elected as president by a majority of Americans. A man who told you what he was going to do, was elected and is now implementi­ng all of these policies one by one. Amazing, beautiful democracy at work.

As an Australian in your wonderful country I only wish that if Mr Phillips does not like his policies then debate them with facts, don’t just throw away lines attacking his morality, calling him a racist, etc. Scream, kick and throw tantrums but you never debate the facts.

Guantanamo Bay served a purpose to protect citizens from terrorism. It was supported by a large majority of Americans.

Regarding refugees being separated from their parents, it has been shown that people smugglers were exploiting this loophole to get illegal immigrants into the US. Police racism, like all racism, exists in small percentage­s of all profession­s. Don’t throw a blanket over all of the dedicated police that protect us for the sake of the acts of a few.

The Paris agreement has been shown to be a farce as India, China and other counties continue to grow their emissions, placing countries like the US at a disadvanta­ge. Smart countries, including mine, are debating right now leaving this agreement. That doesn’t mean they are not taking action against climate change.

Countries in Nato have been failing to pay their way. Trump fixed it, like he promised. JOHN TILTON

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