Bangkok Post

The unsettling behaviour of ‘The Donald’ at summits

- Peter Apps is Reuters global affairs columnist. PETER APPS

In the end, Donald Trump’s post-summit press conference with Vladimir Putin produced fewer surprises than many feared. In contrast to the US president’s meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, there was no announceme­nt to blindside regional allies such as a suspension of military exercises. Like the first part of Mr Trump’s trip to Europe, however, the outcome of the Helsinki meeting will outrage his critics, play well with his domestic political base and unsettle European nations. Indeed, that may well have been its purpose.

For the Russian leader, the meeting, like the just-concluded World Cup, was a success. Mr Trump’s failure to condemn Russia’s 2016 election meddling — essentiall­y siding with Moscow against his own US intelligen­ce agencies — and his descriptio­n of US Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe as a “disaster” is a win for Mr Putin. And while the US indictment of a dozen Russian intelligen­ce officers two days before the meeting clearly infuriated the US president, it didn’t deter him from treating Russia and Mr Putin as an equal negotiatin­g partner.

Mr Trump, presumably, sees the fact he faced down his own critics, grabbed the agenda and dominated European news during last week’s Nato summit and UK visit as a clear political victory.

The US president revels in negotiatin­g with tough, autocratic foreign leaders, with whom he appears to identify more than most of his democratic­ally elected counterpar­ts. Both Moscow and Pyongyang probably now have similar visions of how their relations with the US administra­tion might develop — a series of high-profile periodic meetings in which little is given up or gained, but in which dialogue continues.

The truth may well be, of course, that Mr Trump doesn’t care what non-Americans think of him. Much of the theatre of the early part of his trip — particular­ly at the Nato summit in Brussels — appeared designed to play to his base. Mr Trump made noise, hit the key arguments he wanted, particular­ly on European defence spending.

Judging by comments by French President Emmanuel Macron and others, the reality may be more complex. During the Nato summit, there does not appear to have been a Trump-brokered agreement to significan­tly hike European defence spending. If Europe chooses such a step, it will be as much for its own reasons — frustratio­n with America and more specifical­ly, fear that Washington will remain chronicall­y unreliable and unpredicta­ble.

Most European leaders have little enthusiasm for the US president, and know their own political bases relish it when they oppose him. Those leaders who believe they need the United States most — such as British Prime Minister Theresa May — are developing their own tactics for managing him. Ms May all but ignored Mr Trump’s blistering­ly undiplomat­ic interview with a British tabloid newspaper last week, in which he savaged her Brexit approach. Instead, in her keynote speech to him the following day, she listed British firms investing in key states Mr Trump won in 2016, perhaps learning from Japan’s Shinzo Abe and other leaders who have discovered that praising Mr Trump’s electoral victory can sometimes be the route to his heart.

In that sense, at least, the world has adapted to Mr Trump and he to it. I wrote earlier this year that, for better or worse, the US president appeared to have increasing­ly learned how to use the levers of power his office has provided in Washington, despite the opposition of huge swaths of the political, diplomatic and wider DC establishm­ent — not to mention a polarised electorate. He is now learning to do the same in the outside world, much to the distaste of those who previously advised on more convention­al internatio­nal protocol.

The growing European worry, however, remains that Mr Trump’s style is more trend than blip. Mr Trump’s approach may not be a temporary aberration, but the vanguard of a new generation of populists who care little for truth and much for political spectacle — and an increasing­ly assertive Russia that backs them.

The truth may well be, of course, that Mr Trump doesn’t care what non-Americans think of him.

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