Bangkok Post

Sat pics show test sites being dismantled

US think tank says NK likely playing ball


WASHINGTON: Satellite images indicate North Korea has begun dismantlin­g key facilities at a site used to develop engines for ballistic missiles, in a first step toward fulfilling a pledge made to US President Donald Trump at a June summit, a Washington-based think tank said on Monday.

The July 20 images showed work at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station to dismantle a building used to assemble space-launch vehicles and a nearby rocket engine test stand used to develop liquid-fuel engines for ballistic missiles and space-launch vehicles, the 38 North think tank said.

“Since these facilities are believed to have played an important role in the developmen­t of technologi­es for the North’s interconti­nental ballistic missile program, these efforts represent a significan­t confidence-building measure on the part of North Korea,” it said in a report.

“This could [and that’s a big could] mean that North Korea is also willing to forgo satellite launches,” it said.

Mr Trump told a news conference after his unpreceden­ted June 12 summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that Mr Kim had promised a major missile engine testing site would be destroyed very soon.

Mr Trump did not identify the site, but a US official said later it was Sohae.

The 38 North report comes amid growing questions about North Korea’s willingnes­s to live up to the commitment­s Kim made at the summit, particular­ly to work towards denucleari­sation.

US officials have repeatedly said North Korea has committed to giving up a nuclear weapons programme that now threatens the United States, but Pyongyang has offered no details as to how it might go about this.

On Friday, senior US officials called on Mr Kim to act on his promise to give up his nuclear weapons and said the world, including China and Russia, must continued to enforce sanctions on Pyongyang until he does so.

On Monday, the US State Department issued an advisory together with the department­s of Treasury and Homeland Security alerting businesses to North Korea’s sanctions-evasion tactics.

It said they should “implement effective due diligence policies, procedures, and internal controls to ensure compliance with applicable legal requiremen­ts across their entire supply chains”.

In a tweet early on Monday, Mr Trump rejected “Fake News” that he was angry because progress was not happening fast enough with North Korea.

“Wrong, very happy!” he said in the Tweet.

“A Rocket has not been launched by North Korea in 9 months. Likewise, no Nuclear Tests. Japan is happy, all of Asia is happy,” he said.

A report in The Washington Post at the weekend said that in spite of positive assessment­s Mr Trump has given on progress with North Korea, he has vented anger at aides over a lack of immediate progress.

Last week, Mr Trump said there was “no rush” and “no time limit” on denucleari­sation negotiatio­ns.

US Director of National Intelligen­ce Dan Coats said it was technicall­y possible for North Korea to eliminate its nuclear weapons program within a year.

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