Bangkok Post

Conspiracy fatigue


Re: “Trump truths”, (PostBag, July 25).

Enough of the Russian/Cambridge Analytica “meddling/collusion/interferen­ce” conspiracy nonsense. But having said that, if the writer or any of the other conspiracy theorists do actually have any evidence then show it, otherwise give it a rest. The only people who believe this conspiracy nonsense are sore-loser Hillary Clinton supporters unable to accept that she lost and are convinced that the Russians helped Donald Trump steal the presidency, and news media outlets like CNN who are obsessed with it and have been running story after story with allegation­s, innuendo and winks but no actual proof of anything.

As for the “antiquated” US Electoral College system, it is supposed to guarantee that populous states can’t dominate an election, but admittedly it also sets up a disparity in representa­tion. But both Trump and Clinton went into the 2016 election knowing the terms and conditions of the vote, as did the voters, moaning now that your candidate lost the “popular” vote makes you a sore loser. Under the rules and terms and conditions of the Electoral College system, Trump won. Have the grace to accept the result. If the result was the other way round and Clinton had won, would she and her supporters now be arguing about the Electoral College voting system? I doubt it!

And in what way was Trump’s promise to build a wall on the US/Mexico border as well as a promise to have Mexico pay for it “totally a lie”? As Trump is still US president with another two-plus years left to run of his term in office, the wall may still be built, and as far as I know he has not backtracke­d or changed his mind about building the wall, so how can it be a lie? But if Trump has told some lies, is he not doing what all politician­s do? Why is he singled out for this? And yes, he has made some mistakes. But everything he does is criticised, if he was to cure cancer tomorrow he would be attacked for throwing doctors out of work and denying cancer sufferers the right to die of cancer.

I am not a US citizen so was not entitled to vote in the 2016 presidenti­al election, but as an observer watching the hysterical reaction to Trump’s victory from the socalled “tolerant, inclusive and progressiv­e” Democrats in the US, it truly has been a sight to behold. From the day that Trump won the election they have been in meltdown, and are becoming increasing­ly unhinged as they do everything they can to undermine his authority and the authority of his office.

Within hours of the announceme­nt of his victory mass hysteria broke out in some parts of the US with people screaming that Trump is “literally Hitler” and “literally Pol Pot” and “literally Stalin” and saying how they had to stop him. Protests were organised in dozens of US cities and protesters marched carrying “HOPE not HATE” banners but despite the message on the banners they rioted, kicked in shop windows and set cars on fire. Others like the “comedian” Kathy Griffin posted a photo of herself on social media holding a prop of Trump’s severed head. Madonna said she fantasised about blowing up the White House.

All these people are clearly suffering from TDS (Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome).

Trump and his family including his 12year old son have been subjected to death threats as well as having all kinds of vulgar abuse hurled at them. There have been physical attacks on Trump supporters, and some have been thrown out of restaurant­s.

Is Trump divisive? He has been relentless­ly mocked, ridiculed, vilified and demonised by a self-righteous and sanctimoni­ous liberal/left media, and also by their readers and viewers who are unable to come to terms with the fact that Hillary lost. I suggest they are the ones causing the divide. By all means criticise him and his policies if you think he is wrong, but threatenin­g violence against him and his supporters is wrong.

But never mind, US voters will have a chance to vote him out of office in 2020, though if he wins again I hate to think how Democrat voters will react, I think there’s a strong possibilit­y that they will all literally explode!


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