Bangkok Post



CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19 Validation of your ideas by the movers and shakers could mean victory. Those who hold the reins of power are likely to admire your take charge attitude.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Those in the know say that depression is merely anger that cannot be expressed. Be as physically active as possible and you will be better equipped to overcome a problem. Strive to set an example.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Consider whether your choices will withstand the test of time and bring long term benefits. Obtain advice before you put an investment or major purchase into play.

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 19 If you were in the military, you might be picked out as someone likely to rise through the ranks. It isn’t necessary to create an argument to defend your territory or stake out your claim.

TAURUS Apr 20-May 20 It is healthy to confront others who have been unfair in the past, so you can completely clear the air. Heart to heart discussion­s can lead to a peaceful compromise or congenial co-operation.

GEMINI May 21-June 20 Get motivated. Read something or watch something that excites your mind. Puttering around the house or lounging in pyjamas may seem attractive but today the world calls for dynamic action and resourcefu­lness.

CANCER June 21-July 22 Powerful people might be on a single-minded crusade. Those you deal with in the business world, or on the job, might be motivated by jealousy or greed. You may be called upon to use your own money.

LEO July 23-Aug 22 You are prepped to make executive decisions and to “take the bull by the horn.” If you hope to succeed at anything worthwhile you must have the picture of what you want to accomplish clearly held in your mind.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Business ideas that work for your friends might not work for you. Don’t be sidetracke­d by social activities or spend too much time at the water cooler. Focus on having the best quality that money can buy.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 Stand up for your rights and take pride in your ability to take appropriat­e steps when it is necessary. If you want to be a part of the whole, then grab on to the shirttails of someone who is dynamic and on the move.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21 Initiative, enterprise, and a forthright attitude work the best. You can keep your secrets while remaining honest. Trying to appease someone who is caught up in a passionate ambition might be a big order to fill.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22-Dec 21 No one ever says “it’s only a game” when his team is winning. It is better to take constructi­ve action than to sit around and contemplat­e the significan­ce of your navel.

If today is your birthday:

Those who like you as a friend could show up on your doorstep sometime in the next three to four weeks. You may have a few helpful words of wisdom to impart because you are more philosophi­cal and carefree. You may not be grounded in reality during late September, October or early November when your imaginatio­n could be running into overtime. Write down your fantasies and ideas so they can fuel your ambitions at a later date. Late November and early December is the best time to make crucial choices and decisions that concern your finances and career. An amorous fling might be in the stars in February.

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