Bangkok Post

Painting with political undertones

- Call 02-258-7376.

Galerie Oasis presents “Apocalypso”, the first solo exhibition by Ing Kanjanavan­it, who will get viewers out of their comfort zones to explore human beings’ primal fears and urges, from Saturday until Jan 13.

Showcased will be 17 oil paintings created during the past 20 years by the artist-cum-writer. Known as Ing K, she is one of the world’s most banned filmmakers. In each of her canvases lies an inner vision, whether elated, melancholy or darkly prophetic.

Both jubilant and terrifying, the exhibition mocks and tackles what is not frontal — the travesty of truth, the perfidy of hidden powers, and the dark side of each of us. It is aimed to denounce the desperate process of negating reality, and reveals what the artist deeply fears — the black and deep desires of men of power.

Portraying grief, melancholy and pain, each of the paintings is inspired by the artist’s own lost battles with the powers that are, in her view, leading the world to apocalypse. Red is used in all of her works to symbolise the blood tracks that have flowed all these years. However, her paintings invoke prophecy rather than a curse of vengeance by transformi­ng negative energy into a rich source of creativity for this series of paintings.

Ing K has participat­ed in many group exhibition­s, including “History & Memory: The Hook, The Line & The Sinker Of Thai History 101”, “Neo-Nationalis­m”, “Flashback ’76: History & Memory Of The Oct 6 Massacre”, the XXIV Biannual Internatio­nal de Sao Paolo, and “Art Of Corruption”.

The opening reception is Saturday at 6pm. Galerie Oasis is on Sukhumvit 43, with the exhibition opening Wednesdays until Sundays, 11am-7pm.

 ??  ?? An oil painting by Ing K.
An oil painting by Ing K.

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