Bangkok Post

Like father, like son


Though highly respected through the ages, doctors did little to earn it. Their standard treatment of patients, whatever their complaint, was to bleed them and give them physics. Then say that whether or not they recovered was in God’s hands. Barbers performed surgery.

Medicines were foul concoction­s and tasted vile. The sick were quarantine­d behind closed shutters to prevent the miasma of fresh air. Midwives with dirty hands delivered babies. A bath twice a year for the family in the same water was considered enough. Toilets were piss-pots, emptied out the door.

Hippocrate­s was regarded as the greatest physician of ancient times, yet his cures didn’t cure. Shamans voiced mysterious incantatio­ns, to no effect. The Dark Ages, Middle Ages and Renaissanc­e were no better. The Bubonic plague was blamed on the Devil.

Medical improvemen­ts were made in the 18th and 19th centuries. Women were allowed to be nurses, but not doctors (Florence Nightingal­e was horrified at the suggestion). Still, progress couldn’t be halted. Women doctors arrived in the 20th and 21st centuries. Pharmaceut­ical companies flourished. As did bathrooms.

Alas, the medical profession couldn’t save all patients. Far from it. Doctors, men and especially women, became discourage­d, felt guilty. The suicide rate is highest of that in all profession­s. Which is the main plot of Pulse by Felix Francis, the son of ace Brit jockey-turned-author Dick Francis.

Emergency specialist Dr Christine Rankin has fallen into depression. It affects her work. Will she pull out of it? Reading it for hundreds of pages is a downer. The other plot is about cocaine and dirty work at the racetrack, which Chris learns about.

The perpetrato­rs are on to her. So if she doesn’t die by her own hand, she’ll be murdered by theirs.

Racing fans dote on the Francis father and son’s thrillers. Non-racetrack fans may not be so enthused. Best is the medicalese descriptio­ns of horses and human treatments of their ailments.

 ??  ?? Pulse by Felix Francis Simon & Schuster 439pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht
Pulse by Felix Francis Simon & Schuster 439pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht

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