Bangkok Post

Saudis deserve break, says US

Trump draws likeness with Kavanaugh case


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump on Tuesday criticised rapidly mounting global condemnati­on of Saudi Arabia over the mystery of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi, warning of a rush to judgment and echoing the Saudis’ request for patience.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Mr Trump compared the case of Khashoggi, who Turkish officials have said was murdered in the Saudis’ Istanbul consulate, to the allegation­s of sexual assault levelled against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmati­on hearing.

“I think we have to find out what happened first,’’ Mr Trump said. “Here we go again with, you know, you’re guilty until proven innocent. I don’t like that. We just went through that with Justice Kavanaugh and he was innocent all the way as far as I’m concerned.’’

Mr Trump’s remarks were his most robust defence yet of the Saudis, a US ally he has made central to his Mideast agenda. They put the president at odds with other key allies and with some leaders in his Republican Party who have condemned the Saudi leadership for what they say is an obvious role in the case. Mr Trump appeared willing to resist the pressure to follow suit, accepting Saudi denials and their pledge to investigat­e.

The Oval Office interview came not long after Mr Trump spoke on Tuesday to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. He spoke by phone a day earlier with King Salman, and he said both deny any knowledge of what happened to Khashoggi.

After speaking with the king, Mr Trump floated the idea that “rogue killers’’ may have been responsibl­e for the disappeara­nce. The president told the AP on Tuesday that that descriptio­n was informed by his “feeling’’ from his conversati­on with Salman and that the king did not use the term.

In Turkey earlier on Tuesday, a highlevel Turkish official told the AP that police investigat­ors searching the Saudi consulate had found evidence that Khashoggi was killed there.

Also on Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met the king and crown prince in Riyadh and said the Saudis had already started a “serious and credible investigat­ion’’ and seemed to suggest it could lead to people within the kingdom. The Saudi leaders, while denying knowledge of anything that occurred inside the consulate, had committed to accountabi­lity “including for Saudi Arabia’s senior leaders or senior officials,’’ he said.

Mr Pompeo was heading next to Turkey, where officials have accused the Saudis of using a 15-member team to kill Khashoggi inside the consulate. Mr Trump said he hoped the Saudis’ own investigat­ion of Khashoggi’s disappeara­nce would be concluded in “less than a week.’’

In the meantime, there were signs at home that Mr Trump’s party was growing uncomforta­ble with his willingnes­s to defend the Saudis.

In an interview with Fox News, a prominent Trump ally in the Senate called on Saudi Arabia to reject the crown prince, known as MBS, who rose to power last year and has aggressive­ly sought to soften the kingdom’s image abroad and attract foreign investment.

“This guy has got to go,’’ said Sen Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, turning to speak to the camera. “Saudi Arabia, if you’re listening, there are a lot of good people you can choose, but MBS has tainted your country and tainted himself.’’

Khashoggi, a Saudi citizen who was also a resident of the United States, has been a contributo­r to The Washington Post and a critic of Saudi leaders, especially Crown Prince Mohammed.

Internatio­nal leaders and business executives are severing or rethinking ties to the Saudi government after Khashoggi’s high-profile disappeara­nce. Mr Trump has resisted any action, pointing to huge US weapons deals pending with Saudi Arabia and saying that sanctions could end up hurting the American economy.

He said it was too early to say whether he endorsed other countries’ actions. “I have to find out what happened,’’ he said. But his complaint about “guilty until proven innocent’’ and comparison to the Kavanaugh situation suggested he was giving the Saudis more leeway than other allies.

Khashoggi went to the consulate on Oct 2 to get documents for his upcoming marriage to a Turkish woman while his fiancee waited outside. She and Turkish authoritie­s say he never emerged and he has not been heard from since.

 ?? AFP ?? US President Donald Trump, right, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, in this 2017 file picture taken in Riyadh.
AFP US President Donald Trump, right, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, in this 2017 file picture taken in Riyadh.

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