Bangkok Post

Rules for radicals


Joseph Stiglitz in his Nov 5 article, “Can US democracy make a return?” has torn another page from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and used it to paint President Trump as a dictator hell-bent on destroying democracy.

Mr Stiglitz complains, “the minority is dominating the majority”, but he well knows the US is a republic which distribute­s representa­tion in a way that has evolved since its inception and sometimes produces results which would be different if there were a simple democracy which passed laws directly by popular vote. Mr Trump did not design this system, merely conformed to it, just as the Democrats have exploited it for decades.

A dictator seeks total and exclusive power, often by force. Yet President Trump has nominated two justices to the Supreme Court who may be characteri­sed as constituti­onal originalis­ts or textualist­s, indicating they will uphold separation of powers among the three branches of government.

This is to be distinguis­hed from former US president Obama’s record of appointing judges inclined to legislate from the bench according to their personal inclinatio­ns.

Mr Stiglitz says the majority wants more gun controls (despite no evidence of its effectiven­ess in reducing violence in America) and Mr Trump is limiting the will of the majority to enact it. Actually this is only accomplish­ed by repeal of the 2nd Amendment, a constituti­onal requiremen­t. Mr Stiglitz’s employer wants to enact gun control by decree. The “democratic” socialists, such as newly elected Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, want nothing less than open borders and the overthrow of capitalism at any cost. So I ask, who really desires a dictatorsh­ip in the US?

Socialism is only possible under an authoritar­ian regime which deigns to seize the means of production (often by force) and deny the individual control of the fruits of their labour.

Mr Stiglitz, as liberal academics are want to doing, seems to have sold his soul to the Open Society foundation and rejected the US Constituti­on entirely. Fortunatel­y, despite his unashamed efforts to propagandi­se globalist sentiment, common sense will prevail in the United States.


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