Bangkok Post

Blockchain suggested for retail banking


Blockchain could revolution­ise retail banking by increasing efficiency and expanding options for products and services, says Global Data, a data and analytics company.

The technology, originally devised for the cryptocurr­ency Bitcoin, is essentiall­y a digital ledger that records financial transactio­ns as a shared and continuous­ly updated database that isn’t stored in any single location. The informatio­n is non-centralise­d and impossible for hackers to corrupt, which can be extremely useful for banks and other financial institutio­ns.

“The need of the hour is to focus on domains where the legal, regulatory, or political environmen­ts hinder the establishm­ent of a central controllin­g authority, crucial for the commercial adoption of blockchain,” said Sean Harrison, retail banking analyst at Global Data.

The firm said retail banking could most benefit from blockchain through smart contracts, customer data, payments, fraud reduction and customer management.

Complex contracts such as mortgages can be made more efficient through the blockchain. These smart contracts can create full electronic audit trails, expedite fund releases and cut out middlemen in the process, he said.

Blockchain can also help banks share verificati­on informatio­n, known as “Know Your Customer”, which can be shared between organisati­ons, saving time and administra­tive costs. By streamlini­ng this process, every institutio­n would not have to conduct its own verificati­on testing.

Cross-border payments could also be simplified. Instead of sending money through various banks and currencies, blockchain can enable money to be transferre­d through a cryptocurr­ency instead, cutting down the fees and exchange costs.

Leaks of sensitive informatio­n is a nearweekly occurrence among major institutio­ns. By decentrali­sing and encrypting the data of financial transactio­ns, blockchain can greatly reduce cybercrime in the banking industry.

“The fear of missing out on blockchain is palpable, but in the rush not to miss the boat incumbent banks must ensure they to get any deployment right and create value for customers,” Mr Harrison said.

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