Bangkok Post

Tehran abiding by nuclear terms, says IAEA


VIENNA: Iran has been abiding by the terms of its nuclear deal with global powers, the latest report from the UN atomic watchdog indicated on Monday, days after fresh US sanctions hit the country.

The Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency’s latest report showed that as of early November, Iran had been complying with the restrictio­ns to its nuclear programme laid down in the 2015 Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Sweeping new American sanctions against Iran, which came into effect on Nov 5, have raised fears about whether the deal can survive.

Some parts of the fieldwork in the report took place before the sanctions came into effect, but a senior diplomat with knowledge of the situation said there was “nothing that indicates that ... cooperatio­n from Iran or its attitude has changed since Nov 5”.

The report said as of Nov 4, Iran’s stockpiles of low-enriched uranium stood at 149.4 kilogramme­s, 10kg up from the

time of its last report in August. However, this is still well within the limits set by the JCPOA. The agency repeated language which appeared in two previous reports emphasisin­g the importance of “timely and proactive cooperatio­n in providing such access” on Iran’s part.

However, the senior diplomat suggested this was meant less as an admonition to Iran than as encouragem­ent to maintain the current level of cooperatio­n.

The report makes no mention of Israeli claims that Iran was harbouring a secret atomic warehouse.

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