Bangkok Post


Substantia­l progress made — Australia


Asian countries give up hopes of completing a 16-nation trade deal this year.

SINGAPORE: Asian nations gave up hopes of completing a 16-nation trade bloc this year, with Chinese and Australian officials now looking to finalise the deal in 2019.

Singapore, which is chairing t he 10-member Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) this year, had pushed for a substantia­l conclusion to the agreement this year.

Known as the Regional Comprehens­ive Economic Partnershi­p, or RCEP, the trade deal would cover almost half the world’s population.

“It will take a little bit longer to ensure that we get the type of substantia­l, meaningful, commercial­ly meaningful market access decisions that Australia expects in a trade agreement,” Australian Trade Minister Simon Birmingham told reporters here yesterday.

“That’s despite ministers from RCEP nations meeting until late on Monday night and making substantia­l progress.’’

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang echoed those sentiments in a speech here yesterday, saying he hoped the RCEP talks would be completed next year.

China has pushed to diversify its export markets amid a trade war with US President Donald Trump, adding fresh urgency to the negotiatio­ns.

“With the headwind of trade protection­ism, free trade is facing some difficulti­es,” Li said.

RCEP is often seen as a rival to the TransPacif­ic Partnershi­p, a vast regional pact once led by the US that Trump withdrew from early in his presidency.

Together with the Belt and Road Initiative to build investment and trade links with countries along the old Silk Road to Europe, the pact is a key element in China’s efforts to seize the geopolitic­al advantage following what many in the region see as a US retreat.

Beijing’s struggles to finalise the trade bloc may illustrate worries in the region about becoming too economical­ly dependent on China.

And in a speech to an Asean business and investment conference here yesterday, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad said the bloc “must not accept trade and investment measures that may be unfair to member countries.’’

While negotiatio­ns to reach an agreement on RCEP have stalled, a negotiator for the pact is confident it will get across the line.

“It cannot be signed this year,” Iman Pambagyo, RCEP’s trade negotiatin­g committee chairman, said last Tuesday. “We are aiming for some time next year, perhaps the second part of 2019.”

India has dragged its feet as RCEP doesn’t provide for free movement of skilled labor, a key concern for New Delhi given its large pool of tech workers, even as it opens its market to a clutch of nations known for their manufactur­ing prowess.

It is facing pressure from member nations — including Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand and South Korea — to conclude talks.

The stalemate appears unlikely to be unwound any time soon as RCEP member countries like Australia, India and Indonesia go into elections next year.

That raises questions about the longerterm prospects for RCEP, which began life as an effort by Asean to bring its individual trade deals with China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand under one umbrella.

Unlike the TPP — initially conceived in part as a way for Asia-Pacific nations to lessen economic dependence on China — which goes beyond traditiona­l trade issues to address intellectu­al property, labour rights and state-owned enterprise­s, RCEP is more limited with a focus on goods and services.

It faces the added challenge of bridging the interests of developed economies such as Australia and Japan with emerging markets like Cambodia and Laos.

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