Bangkok Post


- Visit save elephant. or go ra si an elephant projects. com.

Elephant tour operators and travel agencies come together for the Elephant Travel Mart 2018 at Khum Kan Toke in Chiang Mai on Friday, 1-5pm.

A collaborat­ion between Save Elephant Foundation and Asian Elephant Projects, this is the first-ever event held to raise awareness of the growing global interest in ecotourism and provide opportunit­ies that benefit elephants, the environmen­t and local communitie­s.

The endeavour seeks to encourage moves away from traditiona­l forms of elephant tourism, such as elephant riding and circus shows, and instead move towards ethical elephant p tours offering programmes that are sustainabl­e and make the well-being of elephants a priority.

The new ecotourism event is conceived by Save Elephant Foundation founder Sangduen Chailert, who has worked tirelessly for the well-being of Thailand’s national animal. She hopes that the day brings people together to discuss how the travel industry can continue to adapt and better meet the shifting demands of travellers. “If ethical tour operators using environmen­tally sound practices and tour agencies work together in response to the demand for sustainabl­e ecotourism in Thailand, a mutually beneficial relationsh­ip can be achieved that will create widespread benefits for the elephants, the environmen­t, small communitie­s and the Thai economy,” said Sangduen.

There will be 30 booths representi­ng the “Saddle Off” projects promoted by Asian Elephant Projects. Each booth will provide details about their project and hand out brochures and souvenirs to visitors.

There will also be a lucky draw with prizes, including gift vouchers to visit the various “Saddle Off” projects throughout Chiang Mai.

In the evening, dinner will be served and entertainm­ent provided by popular singers including Rose Sirinthip, Baitoey R-Siam, King The Star and Bow Benjasiri.

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