Bangkok Post

Presidenti­al spokesman says Duterte smells ‘refreshing’


MANILA: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s spokesman defended him against critics who described him as looking unkempt when he met with Russia’s prime minister, saying he is “very hygienic” and that “his body emits a refreshing scent”.

Salvador Panelo, who is travelling with Mr Duterte in Russia, challenged “kibitzers” to try to be close to the president to find out how he smells. “That’s what ladies tell me when they kiss PRRD, that he smells good”, Mr Panelo said, referring to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, who is in Russia for a working visit. Pavel Vondra, an editor at CRo Plus radio, yesterday posted on Twitter a photo of Mr Duterte shaking hands with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev as he called out the Philippine leader for showing up “a bit unkempt”.

Photos and video of the meeting showed Mr Duterte in an ill-fitting suit with his necktie hanging loose. Mr Vondra, in his tweet, said “The Russian internet is having a blast: ‘Did he drink all night?,’ ‘Did he just leave the pub?,’ ‘Do Filipinos know what a [state visit] protocol is?’ people ask.”

Coming to Mr Duterte’s defence, Mr Panelo said the president merely loosened his tie because “he feels suffocated and very uncomforta­ble”.

“PRRD dresses up for comfort, he is not particular on unsettling other people”, Mr Panelo said. Mr Duterte, 74, once said he had never owned a suit and does not wear socks.

The firebrand leader typically wears a polo shirt, jeans and slip-on loafers, and on formal occasions has dressed in a barong, a traditiona­l long-sleeved Filipino shirt, and suits. Filipinos are drawn to Mr Duterte’s no-nonsense, man-of-the-people style, which sits oddly with the pomp and protocol he encounters in the internatio­nal political arena.

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