Bangkok Post

Mystical religion


Iam saying straight away that I believe in God. How else can the cosmos be there? But I’m not religious. In my time I’ve been to churches, temples, mosques and holy places out of curiosity, not seeking a spiritual experience. In each I did the expected to the extent possible: sat, bowed, knelt, mumbled prayers, faked singing spirituals, et al. It was copying, not mocking.

Attending masses and sermons in languages I can’t understand is one thing. Speaking English with priests, monks, pastors, rabbis, imams quite another. They had faith. They believed. How could they not? Their respective Good Books were penned by their founding fathers, dictated by God.

All contained elements of magic mysticism. It couldn’t have happened that way. But it did. God works in mysterious ways. Centuries ago, the Inquisitio­n was formed to ferret out doubters. Elsewhere, the religious police have the same mission. I’ve been to theocracie­s. Overbearin­g. Only a visitor, I left them without regret. The way I size up religion is how their adherents act when away from their places of worship.

I live by the Golden Rule. My good wife is a devout Buddhist, living by its precept that good comes to those who are good, evil to those who are evil. Not very different. Being a reviewer, now and again a book with a religious theme comes my way. Scrivener Dan Brown set the pattern in The Da Vinci Code. What became of Jesus’ body after his crucifixio­n? Literary imaginatio­ns are still running wild. Religious wars keep some writers busy for years.

Then there’s Paulo Coelho, regarded as the top Brazilian author. In Brida he furnishes us with a three-page autobiogra­phy. In his 70s now, he describes himself as a nonconform­ist who indulged in every prevailing fad, from hippie to revolution­ary. He ultimately chose a mystical form of Catholicis­m. His novels focusing on it are popular worldwide. Whether and to what extent he’s made converts, I have no way of knowing. He keeps his works under 300 pages.

It might be said that his heroine is looking for her hero. A teacher latches onto her, escorting her through mystical experience­s involving the dark side and the blessed sun. He helps her recognise the man deserving her love. Coelho manages to weave innocence, mysticism and Catholicis­m into an ideal mixture.

I recommend Brida without comprehend­ing or praising the author’s advancing it. I find his message complex, his style simple.

At the finish are ads for his previous books. Each has a kicker. I can’t resist offering several:

“What are you searching for?”

“Do you believe in yourself?”

“How can you find your heart’s desire?”

“Can sex be sacred?”

 ??  ?? Brida By Paulo Coelho 293pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 225 baht
Brida By Paulo Coelho 293pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 225 baht

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