Bangkok Post

Abe asked to restore imperial branch kin


TOKYO: A conservati­ve group within Japan’s ruling party yesterday submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a proposal to allow men from now-abolished collateral branches of the imperial family to rejoin it, as part of measures to ensure stable succession.

With the heirs to the Chrysanthe­mum Throne limited to only three at present under the law stipulatin­g only males in the patrilinea­ge can ascend the throne, the Liberal Democratic Party group called for enabling unmarried male members of the former branches to join the imperial family through adoption or marriage, if they want to.

“We would like to consider the matter [of stable succession] carefully while taking into account the significan­ce of a patrilinea­l succession continuing without an exception since ancient times,” Mr Abe told a meeting with the group led by House of Councillor­s member Shigeharu Aoyama, according to a participan­t.

The group sought the creation of a special law to bring back members of the 11 collateral branches that left the imperial family in 1947. Mr Abe has said giving imperial family status to them is one of the options to be considered to sustain the imperial succession.

But the idea has not been widely supported by the public, with a majority of respondent­s being in favour of allowing women to succeed to the throne in opinion polls. The imperial family and the former collateral branches share a common ancestor some 600 years ago.

Mr Abe said more work is needed in spreading awareness among people about the difference between a female emperor and an emperor of matrilinea­ge, whose father’s side of the family is not of imperial ancestry.

Emperor Naruhito became Japan’s 126th emperor on May 1, the day after his father, former Emperor Akihito, 85, stepped down — the first Japanese monarch to abdicate in about 200 years.

Of all 126 emperors so far, including legendary ones such as the first Emperor Jimmu, eight women who were all born to the male lineage of the imperial family ascended the throne.

The 1947 Imperial House Law limits successors to males of the patrilinea­ge.

After the May enthroneme­nt of Emperor Naruhito, 59, the three heirs to the Chrysanthe­mum Throne are the emperor’s younger brother, Crown Prince Fumihito, 53, his son, Prince Hisahito, 13, and Prince Hitachi, 83, the uncle of the emperor.

Emperor Naruhito has a daughter — Princess Aiko, 17, — and there are other females in the family, but the Imperial House Law requires women to abandon their imperial status after marrying commoners.

 ?? AFP ?? Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako arrive at Akasaka Palace after a royal parade in Tokyo. The imperial couple has no male heir.
AFP Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako arrive at Akasaka Palace after a royal parade in Tokyo. The imperial couple has no male heir.

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