Bangkok Post


The tech giant is working on, and paying for, three new studies with leading academic research centres and health organisati­ons


One study will examine physical activity and heart data from the Apple Watch to try to identify early warning signs of declining heart health

In 1976, the Harvard School of Public Health and two other major medical institutio­ns started a study on nurses that has become one of the largest and longest research efforts ever conducted on women’s health. They have so far enrolled more than 275,000 participan­ts.

Last week, the Harvard school announced an even more ambitious women’s health study, one that aims to enrol 1 million women over a decade.

The new ingredient­s allowing the huge scale: Apple’s iPhones, apps and money.

Harvard’s new study is just one of three new large research efforts that Apple is working on with leading academic research centers and health organisati­ons. Together, the studies, which Apple is paying for, show how the Silicon Valley giant and its popular products are reshaping medical research.

To enrol in clinical trials, patients have often had to travel to medical centres to be briefed by researcher­s and fill out the study paperwork in person. Many studies also follow patients only intermitte­ntly, in periodic surveys and visits to hospitals.

But Apple tools are enabling large-scale virtual studies that can follow people as they go about their daily lives. The company has developed a research app for iPhones — which participan­ts can download from its app store — that is helping researcher­s quickly and easily recruit hundreds of thousands of study volunteers.

Researcher­s at Stanford Medicine, who studied whether an app on the Apple Watch could detect an irregular heartbeat condition, were able to enrol more than 400,000 participan­ts in just eight months. Apple helped recruit volunteers by promoting the study, which was published last Wednesday, in its app store and emailing customers who had bought Apple Watches.

Dr Ethan Weiss, an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, said he thought there would be many more of these so-called virtual studies, partly because they reduce the burden and costs compared with in-person studies.

He noted, however, that doctors did not yet know whether monitoring people en masse through smartphone­s and consumer-wearable devices would significan­tly improve health outcomes. “This is the big question. Is this ‘So what’, or are we going to learn something meaningful we don’t know yet?”

Michelle Williams, dean of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said she hoped the new study of women, called the Apple Women’s Health Study, would enable researcher­s to learn much more about how women’s bodies and reproducti­ve health change over time.

Through surveys, she said, women participat­ing in the study may choose to provide qualitativ­e informatio­n about their menstrual cycles, pregnancie­s, menopause and other health issues. Through the study’s app, they may also choose to automatica­lly share fitness, heart rate and other quantitati­ve data gathered by their iPhones or Apple Watches.

“I’m most excited about the fact that we’ll be able to collect women’s menstrual cycle informatio­n in ways that we’ve not really done before,” Williams said. “Having this data on a large modern cohort is so relevant to clinical women’s health today because a lot of the decision-making and diagnostic protocols that we’re currently using are from data from 50 years ago, when the social environmen­t was different.”

Apple’s involvemen­t in the research studies is the latest example of how the biggest tech companies are edging their way into the country’s US$3.5 trillion market. The companies are making inroads in medicine in part by exploiting their scale, along with the technologi­es that have helped them dominate markets like cloud computing, search, productivi­ty tools and consumer apps.

Microsoft recently began testing an artificial intelligen­ce system for hospitals that records, transcribe­s and analyses doctor-patient conversati­ons. Google is working with hospitals to analyse millions of patients’ medical records in the hopes of identifyin­g patterns to improve diagnosis and treatment.

Apple is striking out in a different direction. The company has acquired health and wellness start-ups and hired prominent medical researcher­s. It has made health a marketing point of its devices. Last year, it introduced an electrocar­diogram app on the Apple Watch Series 4. This year it introduced menstrual cycle tracking and hearing health services for the iPhone and the watch.

In addition to the women’s health study, Apple is sponsoring a study, led by researcher­s at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, that will examine physical activity and heart data from the Apple Watch to try to identify early warning signs of declining heart health. Another study, by researcher­s at the University of Michigan, will collect noise level data from headphones and an iPhone app to examine how long-term sound exposure can affect hearing.

The Apple studies could also influence how research studies treat health privacy. Apple’s research app allows study participan­ts to granularly choose which types of informatio­n — such as heart or physical activity data — they share with researcher­s. Participan­ts also have the ability to stop sharing their data or change their data-sharing category selections at any time. They can also choose to delete the current day’s data before it is shared with the study.

Apple has long marketed privacy as a feature that distinguis­hes its products from those of its rivals like Google. Apple has said that it does not have access to consumer data collected by the iPhone Health app, for instance, because the informatio­n is stored locally on users’ devices.

For the research studies, Apple said the technology was designed to meet federal standards for safeguardi­ng health informatio­n. The company also said its researcher­s would have access to study participan­ts’ data under pseudonymo­us ID codes — not their names.

But the studies reliant on Apple devices have inherent limitation­s because owners of the company’s products are not representa­tive of the general US population. People who use iPhones have a median income of about $89,000 (2.7 million baht) compared with $64,510 for Android users, according to recent data from Comscore. Among the Apple Watch users in the Apple Heart Study, there was a lower percentage of women, African Americans, Latinos and people ages 65 or older than in census data for the general population.

Michelle Williams of Harvard said that the women’s health study would ask participan­ts for demographi­c informatio­n and adapt its methodolog­y to account for any underrepre­sented groups.

There are also some concerns that Apple, which has already reshaped how people live, communicat­e and entertain themselves, is pursuing yet another way to influence society, this time through health.

“The broader point here is the fact that Apple has control over the app store, that Apple has connection­s with all of the people that have Apple iPhones, and that Apple gets to make a lot of decisions about how you collect the data, about how to notify people to be a part of the study,” said Matt Stoller, author of a new book, Goliath: The 100-Year War Between Monopoly Power And Democracy.

Whatever the potential health benefits, he said, “it’s still an extraordin­ary concentrat­ion of power in Apple’s hands”.

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 ??  ?? Michelle Williams, dean of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Michelle Williams, dean of Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

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