Bangkok Post

UN set to push for Libya truce



>>BERLIN: Germany and the United Nations are set to push rival Libyan camps and their foreign backers fighting over the capital to agree to a truce and monitoring mechanism today as first steps towards peace, diplomats and a draft communique said.

But the meeting in Berlin at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s headquarte­rs will not try to broker power-sharing between the eastern-based forces and the internatio­nally-recognised government in Tripoli, said diplomats briefed on preparatio­ns.

The summit will put pressure on General Khalifa Haftar and his eastern Libyan National Army (LNA) to halt a nine-month offensive against Fayez al-Serraj’s government in the coastal capital after a week-long lull in fighting.

About 140,000 people have been forced out of their homes.

“I hope the war ends and we have our country back to live in peace,” said Aisha Ali Saleh, a mother-of-eight in an apartment on an abandoned building site with no power or running water.

Gen Haftar and Mr Serraj are both due in Berlin — along with leaders of Russia, Turkey, Egypt and other Western and Arab powers — in the latest bid to stabilise the Opec member nation in turmoil since the 2011 fall of strongman Moammar Gadhafi.

Members of the transatlan­tic alliance Nato and Arab countries were instrument­al in removing Gadhafi then, and foreign powers have again been the drivers of the aftermath, supplying drones, guns and ammunition to the factions.

Gen Haftar is backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt, Jordan, Sudanese and Chadian fighters, and most recently Russian mercenarie­s. France has also given some support.

On the other side, Turkey has rushed to Mr Serraj’s rescue by sending troops to balance out recent gains by Russian snipers. Hundreds of pro-Turkey fighters from Syria’s war have also been deployed, diplomats say.

“Berlin is an opportunit­y to restart the political process and build on the pause in fighting,” said a Western diplomat.

A six-page draft communique seen by Reuters calls for “credible, verifiable, sequenced and reciprocal steps” starting with a truce to be monitored by technical committees.

That could involve beefing up the existing UN mission in Libya or deploying troops from Russia, Turkey or other states, the diplomats said. The draft vaguely mentioned long-delayed plans for elections and a national government, without any timeline, just calling for UN-led follow-up meetings.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged Gen Haftar and Mr Serraj to come together in Berlin without adding conditions and blaming each other afterwards. “Relations between them are currently very tense, they don’t even want to be in the same room together,” he told reporters on Friday.

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias met Gen Haftar on Friday and urged him to adopt a “constructi­ve spirit” in Berlin. Athens, which opposes a recent Turkey-Libya pact on Mediterran­ean sea boundaries, had wanted to participat­e in the summit.

Chaos in Libya has made it a hub for human trafficker­s to ship migrants to Italy, while Islamist militants have also exploited the disorder. The latest conflict has not, however, disrupted oil output at about 1.2 million barrels per day.

In the complex power-play, there was no indication that Egypt and the UAE, which see the former Gadhafi general,

Gen Haftar as the best bet for stability, will end their support.

But Western diplomats hope they have realised Gen Haftar cannot take Tripoli and that a stalemate would give Turkey a foothold, which Cairo especially fears. Turkey-Egypt ties have been frosty since the Egyptian army in 2013 ousted Muslim Brotherhoo­d president Mohammed Mursi, an ally of Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

“The longer the war takes, the stronger the Turkish presence in Libya,” the diplomat said.

 ??  ?? A BALANCING ACT: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, left, shakes hands with Libyan commander General Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi, Libya last week.
A BALANCING ACT: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, left, shakes hands with Libyan commander General Khalifa Haftar in Benghazi, Libya last week.

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