Bangkok Post

Govt ‘open’ to rescuing nuclear pact


DUBAI: Iran said yesterday that it had not closed the “door to negotiatio­ns” in efforts to resolve a dispute over its nuclear agreement with world powers that has escalated steadily since the United States withdrew from the deal in 2018.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said any further move by Tehran to scale back its commitment­s to the deal would depend on actions by other parties, after European states triggered a mechanism that could lead to the reimpositi­on of UN sanctions.

Iran has gradually stepped back from its obligation­s to the 2015 deal, under which Tehran secured sanctions relief in return for limiting its nuclear work, after Washington quit the agreement and then imposed stringent US sanctions.

Britain, France and Germany, also signatorie­s to the pact, triggered a dispute mechanism this month, citing Iranian violations. This starts a diplomatic process that could lead to UN sanctions being reimposed.

“Tehran still remains in the deal ... The European powers’ claims about Iran violating the deal are unfounded,” Mr Mousavi told a weekly news conference in Tehran, saying that the “door to negotiatio­ns” had not been closed.

“Whether Iran will further decrease its nuclear commitment­s will depend on other parties and whether Iran’s interests are secured under the deal,” Mr Mousavi said.

US President Donald Trump withdrew from the deal and began a policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran, saying he wanted a new deal that would cover nuclear issues, Iran’s ballistic missile programme and Iranian activities in the Middle East.

Britain has said a “Trump deal” could replace the 2015 agreement and France has called for broad talks to end a crisis with the United States.

Iranian officials have said Mr Trump could not be trusted, so such deal would not have any value.

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