Bangkok Post

Oldest image of Venice discovered dating back to 14th century


ARenaissan­ce historian has unearthed the oldest known image of Venice dating from the 14th century, showing how even then the city of canals gripped the imaginatio­n of visitors.

Sandra Toffolo, a researcher at the University of Saint Andrews in Scotland, found the sketch in a manuscript describing Italian pilgrim Niccolo da Poggibonsi’s 1346-1350 voyage to Jerusalem, which took him through the bustling port city.

“The discovery of this view of the city is of great importance for our understand­ing of images of Venice, because it shows that even from very early on, the city held great fascinatio­n for contempora­ries,” Toffolo said in a statement published by Saint Andrews earlier this month.

The drawing in pen, while quite rudimentar­y and lacking the linear perspectiv­e which was only to be adopted in the following century during the Renaissanc­e, shows what appears to be a crowded city with churches, palaces with parapets, canals and even gondolas.

Besides the Holy Land, da Poggibonsi’s travels also took him to Damascus in Syria and Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt.

The manuscript was likely written shortly after his return to Italy in 1350.

A specialist in Venetian Renaissanc­e history, Toffolo discovered the image in a library in Florence in May while working on a detailed study of Venice, due to be published this year.

Throughout history, the city-state has fascinated visitors, not only for its watery mazes of islands, lagoons and canals, but for its unique architectu­re and internatio­nal flair.

At its height during the Middle Ages and Renaissanc­e, Venice was a powerful maritime and financial centre, and the city has inspired more contempora­ry artists and writers including Thomas Mann, Marcel Proust and Ernest Hemingway.

Only maps and nautical charts indicating the city of Venice predate the newly discovered sketch.

The oldest such map was made in about 1130 by Friar Paolino, a Franciscan monk from Venice, according to Saint Andrews.

Toffolo found that the original manuscript image contained small pinpricks, suggesting that it had been subsequent­ly copied.

A common copying technique at the time was to sift powder through the holes onto a new surface, thus transferri­ng the image to a new piece of paper.

Toffolo subsequent­ly found other images in later manuscript­s and books that were “clearly based on the image in the manuscript in Florence”.

Renaissanc­e art historian Kathryn Blair Moore has written that da Poggibonsi’s manuscript would have been an early example of a new genre of writing, a “pilgrimage guidebook”.


Even from very early on, the city held great fascinatio­n for contempora­ries

 ??  ?? A drawing of a view of Venice dating from the 14th century, which is considered to be the oldest representa­tion of the Lagoon City.
A drawing of a view of Venice dating from the 14th century, which is considered to be the oldest representa­tion of the Lagoon City.

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