Bangkok Post



CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 19 You might be wrapped up in achieving a righteous goal or worthy objective. You understand that it’s sometimes necessary to take risks to make profits, but you also realize that a dollar saved is a dollar earned, so invest wisely.

AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Come up for air. You may be intent on completing a project and following the rules. If you pay attention, you may notice that someone special has romantic intentions that could fill up your spare time.

PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Your romantic attitude toward life and relationsh­ips could extend to the job you do. You might be deeply involved in a project that lets you show off your great taste and your eye for balance. You could be in complete harmony with co-workers.

ARIES Mar 21-Apr 19 People value your trustworth­iness and look up to you because you faithfully honor your commitment­s. Fulfilling some promises, however, may become more work than anticipate­d. Find a creative way to complete the task without excessive time and effort.

TAURUS Apr 20-May 20 Getting along with people is a skill that can’t be easily explained with logic, but you may develop a formula that works for you. You may want to stretch your imaginatio­n to find the words to impress new customers or contacts.

GEMINI May 21-June 20 Don’t let a good idea slip through the cracks due to distractio­ns. Consider having a notepad handy and keeping track of imaginativ­e scenarios. The more you try to exert a powerful influence on others, the more likely they might resist.

CANCER June 21-July 22 You have big dreams but might not make money from them unless you share your ideas with your partner. Your moneymakin­g plans should work out for the best if you take someone into your confidence and receive some useful feedback.

LEO July 23-Aug 22 Gather your intuitions and use them as tools throughout the day. You can be a powerhouse at the workplace because you are openminded and tolerant. You may be a romantic-minded partner who shares feelings once you arrive home.

VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Diligent research brings the facts into view, and using your imaginatio­n should result in intelligen­t assessment­s of how best to use the data. You have a big heart for dealing with human faults requiring compassion and empathy.

LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 Don’t expect to receive a lot more than you are offering — energy tends to stay in balance. Go out of your way to find someone who’s willing to help or co-operate. Imagine how other people feel and anticipate their needs.

SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 21 Don’t be surprised if your reputation is discussed positively. Your résumé might even be enhanced by a recent creative effort or someone’s positive recommenda­tion. Loved ones may count the many ways you bless their lives.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 22-Dec 21 The world won’t end if you lose the coin toss. You may be a serious competitor, but it’s always polite to offer a smile, a wink or a nod to show you possess a sense of fair play. Shake hands and be a good sport if you lose.

If today is your birthday:

During the next three to four weeks, focus on being realistic, practical and shrewd since you might be too fanciful and romantic for your own good. Put your love life on the back burner and concentrat­e on material success. In June, your energy levels are high, making it a good time for sports, exercise and competitio­ns. In early July, impractica­l ideas can drain your energy and make you lose traction, so ignore new romantic proposals or financial schemes. Throughout August, you should be in the loop with your friends and a widening social network. September offers both the imaginatio­n to dream of bigger and better things and the practical skills to make your dreams come true. A romantic vacation could fit the bill in October, when your heart yearns to escape the ordinary world. Late January and early February is the best time to launch projects that will turn out for the best.

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