Bangkok Post

Koreas trade multiple shots across border

Flare-up comes day after Kim re-emerges


SEOUL: North Korean troops fired multiple gunshots towards the South in the Demilitari­zed Zone dividing the peninsula yesterday, prompting South Korean forces to fire back, Seoul said.

The rare exchange of gunfire comes a day after North Korean state media reported that leader Kim Jong-un had made his first public appearance in nearly three weeks following an absence that triggered intense speculatio­n about his health and fears about the stability of the isolated nation.

A South Korean guard post was hit by several shots from the North, the joint chiefs of staff (JCS) in Seoul said in a statement, adding no casualties were reported in the South.

“Our military responded with two rounds of gunfire and a warning announceme­nt,” the JCS said.

The South Korean military later said the North Korean gunshots were “not deemed intentiona­l”, according to the Yonhap news agency.

The two neighbours remain technicall­y at war after the Korean War ended with an armistice in 1953, and despite its name, the Demilitari­zed Zone is one of the most fortified places on earth, replete with minefields and barbedwire fences.

Easing tensions on their border was one of the agreements reached between Mr Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in at a summit in Pyongyang in September 2018.

But most of the deals have not been acted on by North Korea, with Pyongyang largely cutting off contact with Seoul.

North Korea’s discussion­s with the United States over Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal are also at a standstill, despite three meetings between Mr Kim and US President Donald Trump.

The uncertaint­y around the process would have increased had Mr Kim been incapacita­ted or dead as rumoured in recent weeks.

North Korean state television, however, showed Mr Kim walking, smiling broadly and smoking a cigarette at what it said was the opening of a fertiliser factory on Friday.

Mr Trump said on Saturday he was pleased about Mr Kim’s reappearan­ce and that the North Korean leader is apparently healthy.

“I, for one, am glad to see he is back, and well!” the president tweeted.

Before Mr Kim’s reappearan­ce, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said last month that he remained hopeful a deal could be clinched with North Korea.

“Regardless of what transpires inside of North Korea with respect to their leadership, our mission remains the same — to deliver on that commitment that Chairman Kim made with President Trump... (the) verified denucleari­sation of North Korea,” Mr Pompeo told reporters.

“We are still hopeful that we’ll find a path to negotiate that solution to get the outcome that is good for the American people, good for the North Korean people and for the whole world.”

 ?? AFP ?? Binoculars are seen on the shoreline of the Demilitari­zed Zone on the South Korean island of Ganghwa last month.
AFP Binoculars are seen on the shoreline of the Demilitari­zed Zone on the South Korean island of Ganghwa last month.

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