Bangkok Post

Casual sex grooming


Re: “Covid-19 hastens university revolution”, (BP, July 19).

The article by Dumrongkia­t Mala was interestin­g, but it ignored a subject which deserves attention.

Thai universiti­es have a skewed gender problem.

In American Universiti­es when the enrolment of women exceeds that of men by a ratio of 60 to 40, school is often correctly labelled as a party school where “hookup culture” prevails.

Casual sex becomes even more common as that ratio widens.

Many American schools are making an effort to recruit more men.

Yet, because of my interest in demography (Chulalongk­orn University’s College of Population Studies) I obtained a copy of enrolment records for Thai university students in 2015. I doubt anything has changed since then.

Women in Thai schools significan­tly outnumber men often 70-30 ratios.

In a Rajabhat university near my home there are five schools.

Four of them have a wide majority of women exceeding men and only one has more men than women but by a tiny margin.

I look at this as being one of many ways which helps to explain other social issues Thailand is known for.


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