Bangkok Post

More cops head to ‘Democrat cities’

Federal marshals to quell unrest: Trump


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump threatened yesterday to send more military-garbed law enforcemen­t into US cities to quell anti-racism protests, a move he called necessary security action and critics labelled an election-year political stunt.

After the Department of Homeland Security deployed scores of Border Patrol police and federal marshals — many in combat fatigues — to Portland, Oregon last week, Mr Trump said he could do so in other Democratle­d cities.

According to reports, DHS was preparing to send 150 paramilita­ry personnel to Chicago after police there clashed with demonstrat­ors seeking to tear down a statue of Christophe­r Columbus.

Separately, 63 people were shot and 12 killed over the weekend in ongoing gun violence, according to local media.

“We’re looking at Chicago, too. We’re looking at New York,” said Mr Trump.

“Look at what’s going on. All run by Democrats, all run by very liberal Democrats, all run really by radical left. We can’t let this happen to the city.”

“I’m going to do something, that I can tell you, because we’re not going to leave New York and Chicago and Philadelph­ia, Detroit and Baltimore.”

DHS said it “does not comment on any allegedly leaked operations” but earlier, its Acting Secretary, Chad Wolf, was defiant.

“I don’t need invitation­s by the state, mayors or governors to do our job. We’re going to do that, whether they like us there or not,” he said on Fox News.

Mr Trump’s decision to have federal law enforcemen­t authoritie­s intervene in local protests has sparked anger and legal questions.

Since African-American man George Floyd was killed by a Minneapoli­s police officer on May 25, sparking nationwide protests against racism and police brutality, Mr Trump has sought to paint the demonstrat­ors as radical leftists intent on destroying the country.

Facing an uphill battle for reelection in November against Democrat Joe Biden, Mr Trump is using the protests to rally support from his conservati­ve base, Democrats say.

Last week, Mr Wolf said the Border Patrol and other officers were needed in Portland to stop “violent anarchists”. But he accused protesters of minor crimes, such as breaking windows and putting graffiti on federal buildings.

After the DHS force arrived, video showed them taking some demonstrat­ors away in unmarked vehicles. Most have been freed but critics, including Oregon’s governor and senators, likened it to “secret police” in more repressive societies.

Oregon has sued DHS for rights violations, while the state’s governor, Kate Brown, demanded the officers be withdrawn, calling the deployment a political “photo op”.

On Monday, the mayors of six major cities — Atlanta, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, Portland and Kansas City — said in a letter to Mr Wolf and Attorney General Bill Barr that the uninvited paramilita­ry deployment­s violate the constituti­on.

“Deployment of federal forces in the streets of our communitie­s has not been requested nor is it acceptable,” they wrote. “It is concerning that federal law enforcemen­t is being deployed for political purposes.”

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel called the threat to send federal officers to Detroit a threat to peace and the right to protest. “The President’s attempts to intimidate our communitie­s with threats of violence could not be more un-American,” she said.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Demonstrat­ors hold placards during a protest against racial inequality in Portland on Monday.
REUTERS Demonstrat­ors hold placards during a protest against racial inequality in Portland on Monday.

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