Bangkok Post




MAR 21 – APR 19

Be ready to deal with toxic colleagues and customers. They won’t prevent you from meeting all deadlines though. The boss notices that you’re giving your best and show their appreciati­on for you more. You may catch a thief in the office.

Money comes and goes without much left for your savings. Business owners, someone may ask for “tea money” to facilitate something important for you.

A small fight is on the cards this weekend. It doesn’t take long for you two to reconcile though. Soon-to-be-grooms, if you plan to carry your bride over a door threshold, rehearse and make sure you’re strong enough.

Don’t let someone into your heart and life so easily. They may turn out to be a sugar baby in disguise later.


JUN 21 – JUL 22

A thing or two may go wrong in your plan. Your boss thinks highly of you and pays no heed to the gossip about you. A business trip will lead to several good news. Most of the colleagues think of you as a hero who they can go to for help.

Business owners may see a bigger market share. Your lover or friend of the opposite gender may surprise you with a gift just because they want to.

A staycation or a day trip can re-energise your love life. You two are there for each other through thick and thin, rain or shine, dry or wet. You get the drift.

You may experience love at first sight when you make eye contact with a stranger whom you meet at a place you visit for the first time. The attraction is mutual, too.


SEPT 23 – OCT 22

You finally come to terms with something unpleasant that you’re being in denial about for some time now. You can foresee some challenges ahead but take solace in knowing that there are people you can rely on for help should you need it.

Your loan applicatio­n may be approved. What you lost a while ago may be sent back to you by a good Samaritan. You spend within budget and keep up with your savings goal.

There’s no big fight between you two next week. You both put more effort into not talking over and listening to each other. A chance encounter with your ex may make you realise that you still have feelings for her/him after all these years.

You may sense a spark between you and your friend’s partner. Without trying, fate causes you two to meet again and again. You two may be meant for each other but the timing isn’t right.


DEC 22 – JAN 19

You may be asked to do something you haven’t done before but you’re looking forward to learning new things. Business owners may experience difficulty regarding the distributi­on of their products.

You may succeed in negotiatin­g for more lenient repayment conditions with your creditor, but not on the first try. You may win a scholarshi­p or a research grant.

Your spouse may stumble upon something you stashed away; things you bought that you don’t want them to know about or wads of cash, and launch a grilling session against you.

Someone you’re talking to may be in a long-distance relationsh­ip and want to keep you as their back-up.


APR 20 – MAY 20

You have to deal with many challenges but you’re pretty unfazed by them. You can cut the office atmosphere with a knife. An insider’s tip can help you navigate your office life better.

You enjoy shopping so much but the good news is that you buy things at much lower prices. You can spot a counterfei­t from a kilometre away. Start-ups may launch a successful crowdfundi­ng project.

Lovers bicker and banter in moderation. A romantic date in a park is on the cards. Being idle can be the best way to spend time together instead of trying to do a lot of stuff.

You may realise you don’t like the person you’re talking to. You may catch them flirting with your friend behind your back.


JUL 23 – AUG 22

Make sure you relax this weekend so you can tackle the piles of work on Monday head-on. Everyone in your team gets along well. Feng shui your desk can help raise your morale.

You become more financiall­y discipline­d. Your creditor may agree to more lenient repayment terms. A friend of the opposite sex may hook you up with a freelance opportunit­y.

Communicat­ion between you two improves. You may know what your other half is about to say even before they open their mouth and vice versa.

You exchange numbers with someone before Oct 24 and slide into their DMs to continue the conversati­on. S/he may be casually talking to another person but you’re the first choice.


OCT 23 – NOV 21

If you’re working on a big project, you’ll make a lot of progress on it. You derive pride from setting goals for yourself and accomplish­ing them. As you gain more self-confidence, colleagues take your opinions more seriously.

An overdue payment or refund finally arrives. Business owners may stumble on a problem in their organisati­ons that has been swept under the rug.

Couples manage their time for love and work well. Spouses motivate each other to work harder to repay a big debt they incur together.

You meet someone younger who’s quite serious about life and into wealth management. S/he has a lighter side too once s/he opens up to you but physically s/he isn’t your type.


JAN 20 – FEB 18

You’ll do well in a job interview. You may be offered the job on the spot. Business owners may sign a lucrative deal. Someone may give you a very useful piece of advice that could help shape your career.

You’re invited to many parties. You divide your money into different piles and manage to spend within budget. Money that was stolen from you will be returned.

Unmarried couples may hasten their wedding plans because of an unplanned pregnancy. If your family isn’t on friendly terms with your partner, you’ll be able to mediate between them.

You meet several admirers of different orientatio­ns. If you want to talk to two people at the same time, you can be upfront about it as they would appreciate your honesty.


MAY 21 – JUN 20

The boss asks you to take on more responsibi­lities. They may be beyond your job descriptio­n but you don’t have to do them all by yourself. A good colleague (or two) is willing to offer you help.

You spend money more than you should. Your online order may arrive looking nothing like what was depicted virtually.

Couples agree to stop arguing over the same old topic they always disagree on. Those in long-term relationsh­ips regularly video-chat. The bond between you two remains strong.

You may fall for someone who’s simply out of your league. Although you meet her/him regularly in your daily life, you two aren’t meant to be together in that way.


AUG 23 – SEPT 22

As much as you try to stay away from any office drama, it eventually finds you. A conflict with someone who’s on the same office rank as you is possible. They may gain more perks or manpower at your expense. Too bad that you two are usually friendly with one another.

You’re very susceptibl­e to limited-time offers. Yes, they end soon but they may redo them again in the near future. You buy necessary items of lower quality so you can buy expensive things. Check your priority.

Your partner may take your makeover as a sign that you’re being unfaithful especially when they see flirty comments on your new look from a friend who’s being a troll.

If you’re gay, you may feel uncomforta­ble that someone of the opposite sex shows a romantic interest in you. You may need to ask a straight friend to pretend to be your partner.


NOV 22 – DEC 21

You may have to spend a portion of your weekend to finish an urgent task that arrived late on Friday. The boss may reward you on Monday. Job seekers may soon receive good news.

You may secure a new source of supplement­al income. You may turn your money-making idea into reality and receive some modest success for it.

If you’re seeing someone on the side, you may expose yourself by your own carelessne­ss. Your enraged official love may tell you to stay somewhere else for a while or throw your stuff out as a result.

A stranger may slide into your DMs but s/he doesn’t excite you. Working towards financial stability is your current top priority.


FEB 19 – MAR 20

Your work plan may go awry. Your boss may ask you to take on new tasks on short notice. Sort out your priorities and do what needs to be done first and you’ll survive the mess.

Parents spend a lot of money on their child(ren)’s education. You may obtain a new source of income. Start-up owners may secure a new investor.

Both of you have busy schedules but make time for each other. You two may already start talking about a plan to celebrate New Year.

You may catch the attention of someone who’s at least five years younger. S/he wants to know immediatel­y if you see her/ him as a potential GF/BF.

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