Bangkok Post

Polish President Duda infected with coronaviru­s, but feels ‘good’


WARSAW: Polish President Andrzej Duda has tested positive for coronaviru­s but is “feeling good”, presidenti­al minister Blazej Spychalski announced yesterday.

“The president yesterday was tested for the presence of coronaviru­s. The result turned out to be positive. The president is fine. We are in constant contact with the relevant medical services,” Mr Spychalski said on Twitter.

Mr Duda’s infection comes as the country faces a surge in the Covid-19 epidemic, with new infections hitting a daily record of more than 13,600 on Friday.

Mr Duda, 48, holds a mainly ceremonial role, but has the power to veto legislatio­n. He is an ally of the ruling nationalis­t Law and Justice (PiS) party.

Yesterday, more restrictio­ns to curb the spread of the virus came into force in Poland, including a two-week shutdown of restaurant­s and bars.

The Health Ministry reported 153 coronaviru­s deaths on Friday, taking the total toll to 4,172.

Poland has turned its largest stadium into an emergency field hospital. The government converted the country’s largest stadium into a temporary field hospital with room for 500 patients.

Meanwhile, hospitals in France, especially in the Paris area, have started to postpone non-emergency surgeries, while others have called back staff on leave. More than one-fifth of Spain’s intensive care beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients, and in Madrid, that figure is closer to 40%.

 ??  ?? NO PROBLEM: Polish President Andrzej Duda has played down his positive diagnosis for Covid-19.
NO PROBLEM: Polish President Andrzej Duda has played down his positive diagnosis for Covid-19.

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