Bangkok Post

Europe wonders if it can rely on US again

America’s polarised politics have marked its foreign policy in EU. By Steven Erlanger


Treated with contempt by President Donald Trump, who considers them rivals and deadbeats instead of allies, many European leaders look forward to the possibilit­y of a Biden presidency. But they are painfully aware that four years of Mr Trump have changed the world — and the United States — in ways that will not be easily reversed.

Even if civility can be restored, a fundamenta­l trust has been broken, and many European diplomats and experts believe that US foreign policy is no longer bipartisan, so is no longer reliable. “The shining city on the hill is not as shining as it used to be,” Reinhard Butikofer, a prominent German member of the European Parliament, put it bluntly.

For the first time, said Ivan Krastev, director of the Center for Liberal Strategies, “Europeans are afraid that there is no longer a foreign-policy consensus in the US. Every new administra­tion can mean a totally new policy, and for them this is a nightmare.”

The ideologica­l divide was on display on Thursday, when Mr Trump and Joe Biden held their final presidenti­al debate. There will be what most consider low-hanging fruit for the likely Biden administra­tion that will please Europeans. The crop includes an extension to New START, the nuclear arms control treaty with Russia, and returns to the Paris climate accord, the World Health Organizati­on and even the Iran nuclear accord. There will be feel-good meetings and statements about multilater­alism, less confrontat­ion about trade, renewed efforts to reform the World Trade Organizati­on and a less combative atmosphere at summits of the G7 and Nato.

But Mr Trump’s complaints are shared by many Americans, and given the polarisati­on in America, President Emmanuel Macron of France has pushed Europe to step up in an altered world, in which China is rising and the Trump administra­tion is only a symptom of a US retreat from global leadership, not the cause.

The idea of European “strategic autonomy” — of a Europe less dependent on Washington and with its own strong voice in the world — has been gaining ground, even if it is more aspiration than reality. Some, like Nathalie Tocci, director of Italy’s Institute of Internatio­nal Affairs, and Francois Heisbourg, a French security analyst, fear that a Biden presidency could short-circuit European autonomy and let Europeans continue, as Ms Tocci said, “sticking our heads in the sand”.

A Trump re-election, of course, might accelerate the trend towards autonomy, even if few believe that Mr Trump would be able to pull out of Nato, as one of his former national security advisers, John Bolton, suggested he might.

US foreign policy was traditiona­lly bipartisan — the old phrase that “politics stops at the water’s edge” had merit, especially during the Cold War. But the collapse of the Soviet Union meant that foreign policy, too, was subject to deepening political polarisati­on in the United States.

“There is an incredible decay in Europe of the sense of the United States as a leader,” accelerate­d and symbolised by mishandlin­g of the coronaviru­s, said Jeremy Shapiro of the European Council on Foreign Relations.

“Biden doesn’t solve their America problem,” he said. “He’s not going to be president forever, and Democrats won’t always be in power, and people have learned that the US can’t be trusted on foreign policy, because the next administra­tion will come in and wipe it away.”

The inconsiste­ncy of US foreign policy has undermined US credibilit­y, some warned. There is “an American decline in geopolitic­al weight”, said Francis Fukuyama of Stanford University.

“The single fact that shapes the US role in global politics is polarisati­on, and this polarisati­on will not disappear if Joe Biden is elected,” he said. “Americans simply don’t agree with one another on basic premises, even on how much America should be involved in global affairs and Nato.”

William Burns, a former senior US diplomat who now runs the Carnegie Endowment in Washington, thinks the damage is lasting, no matter who wins the election.

“One of the more insidious effects of polarisati­on is to make foreign policy a tool of partisan politics,” he said. “It’s done enduring damage to America’s reputation in the world for being able to keep its word.”

While Europeans would see a Biden presidency “as a return to civilisati­on”, as Mr Heisbourg called it, a new partnershi­p would come with demands for new obligation­s and commitment­s, especially on China.

After Mr Trump, however, there would also be a new wariness and unwillingn­ess to take big risks on the part of America’s allies, said Mark Leonard, director of the European Council on Foreign Relations. “If you know that whatever you’re doing will at most last until the next election, you look at everything in a more contingent way,” he said.

Europeans see US confrontat­ion with China as one of the few bipartisan issues that are driving US foreign policy and they are reluctant to be made a pawn or a playing card in that rivalry, given that China is Europe’s second-largest trading partner behind the US.

Opinion polls show that most Europeans do not want to take sides in some battle between Washington and Beijing. “We don’t see the China challenge the same way and we’re not the peer competitor,” said Rem Korteweg of the Clingendae­l Institute. There will also be continued pressure from Washington on Europeans to spend more on defence — one bipartisan demand that has not fractured.

Mr Trump successful­ly goaded the Europeans to spend more but Europeans were also reacting to a vacuum in trans-Atlantic leadership, doubts about Mr Trump’s commitment to collective security and his view of Europe as a burden and a competitor.

“I see European partners more assertive in saying that we disagree with US policies — that’s the healthier legacy left by Trump,” said Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, director of the German Marshall Fund in Paris.

Before Mr Trump, those disagreeme­nts were rarely fundamenta­l. “We had difference­s, but there was never a basic mistrust about having common views of the world,” said Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former prime minister of Norway, who has dealt with numerous American presidents of both parties. But over the past four years, she said, several European leaders “no longer take for granted that they can trust the US, even on basic things”.

For Mr Burns of the Carnegie Endowment, US global hegemony is over. He sees little US appetite “for grand foreign-policy crusades” and says: “We cannot return to 1949 or 1992 — or even 2016. The world has changed, and the trans-Atlantic relationsh­ip must change with it.”

 ??  ?? SOLID PRESENCE: A US Navy SH-60 helicopter flies above the assault ship USS ‘Iwo Jima’ during a Nato exercise off the coast of Trondheim, Norway, in 2018.
SOLID PRESENCE: A US Navy SH-60 helicopter flies above the assault ship USS ‘Iwo Jima’ during a Nato exercise off the coast of Trondheim, Norway, in 2018.

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