Bangkok Post

The four basic truths about macroecono­mics

- Tyler Cowen BLOOMBERG OPINION Tyler Cowen is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. He is a professor of economics at George Mason University and writes for the blog Marginal Revolution. His books include ‘Big Business: A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero’.

Iwas recently invited on Clubhouse to lead a discussion of macroecono­mics, and numerous listeners were sceptical of the value of my chosen field of study. So allow me a few more words in defence of macroecono­mics as a useful and at least modestly scientific endeavour.

The first and most important thing to know about macroecono­mics is that a strong negative shock to demand — a sudden decline, in other words — usually leads to a loss of output and employment. Nominal wages are sticky, for a complex mix of sociologic­al reasons, and so employers do not always respond to lower demand with lower wages for workers. Instead they lay some people off, and that can lead to a recession.

That may sound pretty simple. But it is one of the most important discoverie­s in history. It was true in the Great Depression, in the disinflati­on of the 1970s and ‘80s, and in the financial crisis following 2008.

The second thing to know is that well-functionin­g central banks can offset such demand shocks to a considerab­le degree — or even prevent them from arising in the first place. The bank can engage in complex financial transactio­ns or simply print more currency to stabilise nominal demand and restore some measure of order.

The third thing to know is that if central banks go crazy increasing the money supply, the result will be high price inflation. There is one exception to this, which was evident in 2008 and 2009, when the Fed paid interest on bank reserves: If central banks simultaneo­usly act to decrease the velocity of money — that is, if they take measures to reduce borrowing and lending — then price inflation will be limited accordingl­y.

A fourth thing to know is that non-monetary shocks, if they are large enough, can also create recessions or depression­s. Consider the oil price shock of 1973, the current pandemic, or bad harvests in earlier agrarian societies. Central banks can partially stabilise such shocks, but they cannot erase them.

I believe an overwhelmi­ng majority of macroecono­mists would largely agree with these propositio­ns, even if they might place the emphasis differentl­y. And these four propositio­ns are enough to elevate macroecono­mics into the realm of the essential.

Things do get more controvers­ial, though there is still a reasonable degree of consensus.

Consider the question of how large a federal budget deficit an advanced economy can run without courting a financial crisis. No one really knows. Nonetheles­s, there is agreement that high-return public investment­s will strengthen a country’s fiscal situation, even if financed by borrowing. Those returns will boost both output and tax revenue, at least in the medium term, and usually markets are capable of seeing those gains coming.

If economists disagree about the proper extent of fiscal policy, it is on the expected return of public investment­s. (Those further to the left tend to believe that high returns are fairly likely, those on the right that the government will choose investment­s poorly.) That is an important and very real disagreeme­nt — but it is about economic policy and the quality of government, not about macroecono­mics per se. The underlying analysis of macro is consistent.

Once you get past those propositio­ns and this disagreeme­nt, I am sceptical about a great deal of macroecono­mics. I don’t know if the rate of price inflation should be 1.7% or 2.0%, and discussion­s of the matter read like mumbo-jumbo to me. I am fine with 2.0%, however, or for that matter 2.2%.

I don’t think macroecono­mists know how to measure investment very well, especially when the relevant corporate assets are intangible­s, as is often the case with tech companies, or if America has been in an “investment drought”.

Nor are we good at predicting or even understand­ing movements in exchange rates or real interest rates or aggregate stock prices, three major areas of macroecono­mics. I think you can learn something by listening to all sides of a debate on these matters, but at the end of the day it is better to stay agnostic.

I also think measures of price inflation are almost useless over the long run, because a person today consumes a very different bundle of goods than one in, say, 1950.

Finally, allow me to add one more truth, though I recognise it is neither confirmed nor unanimousl­y held: A growing population tends to be good for an economy, ceteris paribus, and a shrinking population bad.

Disparagin­g macroecono­mics is an age-old pastime, and yes there is plenty we do not know or understand. But maybe the only thing worse than living with macroecono­mics (or macroecono­mists, though ask my wife) would be to try to live without it. ©2021

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