Bangkok Post

Nation gets demoted to ‘partly free’


India was downgraded to “partly free” for the first time since 1997 in an annual ranking of democracie­s by the US-government funded research group Freedom House, which cited worsening civil rights under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The world’s largest democracy slipped in rankings this year because of continuing discrimina­tion against its Muslim citizens and increased harassment of government critics and journalist­s, according to the “Freedom in the World” report released by the Washington-based organisati­on.

The report cited “a multi-year pattern in which the Hindu nationalis­t government and its allies have presided over rising violence and discrimina­tory policies”.

It listed several events in 2020 like religious riots in Delhi, use of sedition laws against critics and hardships endured by migrant workers after Mr Modi announced a sudden lockdown to control the coronaviru­s pandemic.

India was among 73 nations downgraded for declines in political rights and civil liberties, affecting threefourt­hs of the world’s population. The report, which ranks 210 nations, found that states designated “Not Free” have reached the highest since 2006. Those affected included not just authoritar­ian states like China, Belarus, and Venezuela, but also troubled democracie­s like the US and India.

India’s status change means less that than 20% of the world’s people now live in a “free” country — the smallest proportion since 1995, the report said.

The changes in India since Mr Modi took charge in 2014 “form part of a broader shift in the internatio­nal balance between democracy and authoritar­ianism, with authoritar­ians generally enjoying impunity for their abuses and seizing new opportunit­ies to consolidat­e power or crush dissent,” the report said.

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