Bangkok Post

Russia’s US envoy expects compromise at UN talks


MOSCOW: Russia’s US ambassador Anatoly Antonov said the United Nations Security Council is likely to reach a compromise this week on humanitari­an aid to Syria, signalling that the UN’s cross-border aid isn’t going to be shut down.

Keeping aid flowing into

Syria was a key request that US President Joe Biden made of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin at their summit in Geneva last month. But that will require the two nations and other members of the UN Security Council to reach an accord this week.

“Let’s give an opportunit­y to our teams to deal with this issue, I am sure that they will find a compromise,” Mr Antonov said on Bloomberg Television’s Balance of Power with David Westin. “And I hope that this compromise will meet the United States and the Russian concern as well as the Syrian people’s concern.”

The Security Council is negotiatin­g a resolution, backed by Western countries, that’s intended to keep the current aid corridor on the Turkish border open while reopening one from Iraq. But Russia, which backs Syria’s President Bashar alAssad, has said it won’t agree to reopen closed crossings. The deadline for extending the current operation is tomorrow, and aid groups say millions of lives may depend on maintainin­g aid deliveries.

A Biden administra­tion official said on Wednesday that the US has put forward a serious and credible proposal for extending humanitari­an assistance to all Syrians while meeting the vast needs that UN agencies and humanitari­ans have identified. The official, who asked not to be identified discussing diplomatic negotiatio­ns, said the US hopes a compromise is possible, while noting that Russia has said it intends to exercise its veto.

 ??  ?? Antonov: Sure deal is possible
Antonov: Sure deal is possible

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