Bangkok Post


- Ken Endo Ken Endo is a professor at Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Public Policy.

Agood interferen­ce is hard to come by. A government might be able to properly deal with issues in its own country, but there are only limited options for what it can do when carnage and oppression are taking place in remote nations. Does that mean we should just ignore them? What is happening in Myanmar imposes that question on us.

Since the Myanmar military’s coup in February, over 800 people have been killed in crackdowns by the military and hundreds have gone missing. Security forces have been arbitraril­y detaining and torturing people.

It is abnormal in the first place for a military, existing to defend the country, to slaughter its own people. Besides, what those citizens demand are just fundamenta­l rights, such as the right to take part in free and fair elections, as well as freedom of assembly and speech, which the military has taken away through the coup. Their reckless actions are inexcusabl­e.

That said, Japan has been weak to show its diplomatic presence against what is going on there and even worse, seems to be lending a hand to the military. The situation is nearly identical to its response to the Tiananmen Square incident more than 30 years ago.

It is already known from disclosed diplomatic records that the Japanese government systematic­ally supported right after the incident China’s Communist-Party ruled government, and later lifted sanctions ahead of others so that it would not fall into a predicamen­t.

The Japanese government boasts of its “own channel of communicat­ion” with the Myanmar military, but it is not willing to stop atrocities by using this channel. Japan, as one of the leading donor countries to the Southeast Asian nation, is supposed to exercise its influence through actions such as a total suspension of aid.

But Japan is anxious about pushing Myanmar closer to China and ruining its positive bilateral relations, if it imposes sanctions together with the United States and European nations.

The military regime appears to take advantage of Japan’s concern.

China is not the only concern of the Japanese government. Japan’s hands seem to be tied over Japanese companies’ rights and interests developed in partnershi­p with the Myanmar military.

The Myanmar military is also an industrial conglomera­te and a major recipient of aid from Japan, with senior officers making personal profit out of it.

The post of the Japan Myanmar Associatio­n chairman is currently filled by former Posts and Telecommun­ications Minister Hideo Watanabe. His son Yusuke, secretary general of the associatio­n and vice president of Japan Myanmar Developmen­t Institutio­n, is an enthusiast­ic supporter of the military.

In addition to the institutio­n, many Japanese firms including general contractor Kajima Corp and trading house Marubeni Corp are involved in massive projects related to aid to Myanmar.

That is how Japan’s political business circles and the Myanmar military have turned into a politico-economic complex that shares the same interests. In early May, I took part in a support rally for the democratis­ation of Myanmar in Sapporo, northern Japan, on the urge of an acquaintan­ce. I was amazed that participan­ts at the rally were predominan­tly young people. Many of about 900 Myanmar residents in Hokkaido are technical interns under the government-sponsored training programme, and I believe at least one third of them must have been there.

While protests are suppressed in their home country, those young people denounced the clampdown by the military. They sought the release of democratic leaders and called on the Japanese government to intensify pressure on the military regime by clearly showing their desire for democracy. Such demonstrat­ions were carried out across Japan.

In the world of diplomacy, it must be impossible to reflect such voices in policies as they are. There is a wide range of national interests that should be protected, including interests of Japanese companies. There is always criticism of arbitrarin­ess in human rights diplomacy, such as questionin­g the reason for choosing to tackle the human rights issue in Myanmar while human rights are violated in a vast area from Russia to Sierra Leone.

However, we must at least avoid lending a hand to injustice when economic profits are produced through inhumane massacres.

Japanese taxpayers very much lack awareness (over how their tax money is spent). Japan has provided over 100 billion yen (2.9 billion baht) a year in assistance to brutal military-ruled Myanmar, while their loans are often written off.

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