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The leader of the restive Ethiopian region presents the rebels’ side after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed began an ill-fated military operation there in November


The convoy sped down from the mountain, slipping and sliding on roads greasy from a recent shower of hailstones. As it descended toward the regional capital of Tigray, curling through rocky hills and remote hamlets, people clustered along the route in celebratio­n.

Women stood ululating outside stone farmhouses, and fighters perched atop a ridge fired their weapons into the air as the vehicles curled around the detritus of battle: burned-out tanks, overturned trucks and a mucky field where on June 23 an Ethiopian military cargo plane, shot down by the Tigrayans, had smashed into the ground.

Tigray’s leader, Debretsion Gebremicha­el, was going home.

Two days earlier, his scrappy guerrilla force had retaken the regional capital, Mekelle, hours after Ethiopian troops suddenly abandoned the city. Now Mr Debretsion, a former deputy prime minister of Ethiopia, was leaving the mountains where he had been ensconced for eight months leading a war to re-establish his rule over the region.

“I didn’t expect to make it back alive,” Mr Debretsion said last week in an interview, his first since the fall of Mekelle. “But this isn’t personal. The most important thing is that my people are free — free from the invaders. They were living in hell, and now they can breathe again.”

Mr Debretsion offered a rebel-side account of the conflict that has plunged Ethiopia into chaos since Nov 4, when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered a military operation there. The civil war has led to the displaceme­nt of nearly 2 million people, and to widespread hunger and reports that civilians were subjected to atrocities and sexual violence.

Mr Debretsion, who is believed to be in his late 50s, claimed to have crippled Ethiopia’s powerful army, defeating seven of its 12 divisions and killing at least 18,000 soldiers. He also detailed plans to expand the war across Tigray, in defiance of internatio­nal calls for a cease-fire, until his fighters have expelled from the region every outside force, including Eritrean soldiers and ethnic Amhara militias.

“They have taken the land by force,” he said. “So we will take it back by force.”

When we arrived for the interview, on a stormy late afternoon, to a fortressli­ke house in Mekelle, Mr Debretsion was working on a laptop in a nearly dark upstairs bedroom. The government had cut the power to the city and shut down its phone network.

Barely visible in the gloom, Mr Debretsion apologised for the circumstan­ces. Tigray was “under siege”, he said, criticisin­g Mr Abiy — a one-time political ally — as an impetuous and inexperien­ced leader who had overreache­d.

“This is a complex country, very messy,” Mr Debretsion said. “Abiy had no experience, no maturity. But because of his ambition to be king or ruler of Ethiopia, he viewed us as obstacles in his way.”

Billene Seyoum, a spokeswoma­n for Mr Abiy, did not respond to requests for comment.

On Friday, the Tigray Defence Forces (TDF) mounted a spectacle that seemed intended to humiliate Ethiopia’s leader. The fighters marched at least 6,000 Ethiopian prisoners of war through downtown Mekelle past residents chanting, “Abiy is a thief!” A woman holding a large photograph of Mr Debretsion led the procession.

Mr Debretsion fought his first war in the 1980s as the head of a guerrilla radio station for the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a rebel group leading the resistance against a brutal Marxist dictatorsh­ip in Ethiopia.

The rebels swept to power in 1991, with the Tigrayan leadership at the head of a governing coalition that dominated Ethiopia for nearly three decades until Mr Abiy became prime minister in 2018.

In power, the Tigrayan leadership stabilised Ethiopia and achieved soaring economic growth for nearly a decade. But progress came at the cost of basic civil rights. Critics were imprisoned or exiled, torture was commonplac­e in detention centres and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front won successive elections with a reported 100% of the vote.

By then, Mr Debretsion had a reputation as a low-key technocrat. He served as communicat­ions minister and headed Ethiopia’s power utility, where he oversaw constructi­on of a US$4.5 million (145.2 million baht) hydro-electric dam that, when completed, will be Africa’s largest.

But as popular protests against the Tigrayan leadership’s rule roiled Ethiopia from 2015, and as the police killed hundreds of protesters, Mr Debretsion rose in prominence inside the party. Analysts say he was seen as a younger and more moderate figure than those steeped in Tigrayan nationalis­m who had dominated the party for decades.

The eruption of war changed everything. Mr Abiy said he had no choice but to launch military action, after months of escalating political tensions, when Tigrayan forces attacked a military base on Nov 4.

Mr Debretsion challenged that account, saying that Ethiopian troops had been massing on Tigray’s borders for days in preparatio­n for an assault. He had advance knowledge of those plans, he said, because ethnic Tigrayans accounted for more than 40% of senior Ethiopian military officers, and many defected in the early days of the fight.

At first, Tigrayan forces were caught off guard by a barrage of drone strikes against artillery and supply lines that he said were conducted by the United Arab Emirates, an ally of both Mr Abiy’s and Eritrean leader Isaias Afwerki’s.

A UAE spokesman did not respond to questions about the alleged drone strikes. Mr Debretsion said they had changed the course of the war.

“Without the drones,” he said, “the fight would have been different.”

In recent days, some Tigrayan leaders have suggested that troops could march on Asmara, Eritrea’s capital, to oust Mr Afwerki, who harbours a decades-old enmity with them.

Mr Debretsion sounded a more cautious note. Tigrayan troops would fight to push Eritrean troops over the border, he said, but not necessaril­y go farther.

“We have to be realistic,” he said. “Yes, we would like to remove Isaias. But at the end of the day, Eritreans have to remove him.”

The euphoric mood that gripped Mekelle this past week, with some fighters rushing to be with families and others celebratin­g in the city’s restaurant­s and nightclubs, is also a challenge for Mr Debretsion.

The mood might be deflated in the coming weeks, as shortages of food and fuel hit Mekelle, now isolated on all sides.

Aid groups say that more vulnerable Tigrayans may starve if Mr Abiy’s government does not allow vital aid deliveries.

Even if the conflict ends soon, Mr Debretsion said, Tigray’s future as part of Ethiopia is in doubt.

“The trust has broken completely,” he said. “If they don’t want us, why should we stay?” Still, he added, nothing has been decided: “It depends on the politics at the centre.”

I didn’t expect to make it back alive ... The most important thing is that my people are free — free from the invaders. DEBRETSION GEBREMICHA­EL TIGRAY’S LEADER

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 ?? PHOTOS: FINBARR O’REILLY/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? MAIN PHOTO Tigray Defence Force fighters escort thousands of captured Ethiopian government soldiers on July 2, as they march into Mekelle, the capital of Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region.
PHOTOS: FINBARR O’REILLY/THE NEW YORK TIMES MAIN PHOTO Tigray Defence Force fighters escort thousands of captured Ethiopian government soldiers on July 2, as they march into Mekelle, the capital of Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region.
 ??  ?? More of the captured Ethiopian government soldiers who are marched under armed escort by Tigray Defence Forces into Mekelle.
An emergency food distributi­on in Mekelle.
More of the captured Ethiopian government soldiers who are marched under armed escort by Tigray Defence Forces into Mekelle. An emergency food distributi­on in Mekelle.
People celebrate in the town of Gijet as Tigray Defence Forces soldiers and leaders departed for Mikelle on June 30.
TOP (LEFT TO RIGHT) People celebrate in the town of Gijet as Tigray Defence Forces soldiers and leaders departed for Mikelle on June 30.

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