Bangkok Post

B500 annoyance?


Re: “Operators fret over B500 tour fee,” (BP, Oct 5).

Most foreign tourists will not baulk at paying an additional 500-baht fee so long as they feel confident that the money is well spent on legitimate improvemen­ts of tourism infrastruc­ture and services, or environmen­tal protection. If, however, the funds are poorly spent or simply become another slush fund for politician­s to play with, the collection of the fee will become yet another turn-off to visitors.

The additional amount collected may seem small relative to the overall cost of a visit to the country by well-heeled tourists, but the irritation becomes amplified if the funds are not spent in a meaningful and transparen­t manner. Sometimes it’s those little annoyances that pile up to collective­ly that make a country less attractive as a tourism destinatio­n.


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