Bangkok Post

Zombie fashion


Re: “Hidden happiness”, (PostBag, Dec 30).

Yes, I agree with Ron and others that the hijab is different from a burka. Covering women from the top to the toes with an ugly garment makes them look like zombies. Hence there is an open and genuine outcry about imposing the burka on Muslim women.

A hijab, on the other hand, is just a headgear adding colour to a women’s overall appearance. Like a colourful hat or a scarf, it should be treated as an ornament, an object of beauty.

Also, it is none of the business of the fanatics and fringe elements in any society to decide which gear or dress is a sign of oppression. To many, a mandatory uniform to attend a school or a college in Thailand is a sign of oppression. To others, it is a thing of pride. As they say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.


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