Bangkok Post

High time to take stock of Covid

- Peter C Coyte is Professor of Health Economics, School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Canada. He spends time in Canada and Thailand. PETER C COYTE

As we approach the second anniversar­y of the first identified case of Covid-19, it is time to take stock of what we know about both the virus as well as the interventi­ons designed to contain or alleviate its consequenc­es, and then to make recommenda­tions for the path forward.

Thailand, along with several Asian countries, escaped the brunt of the first year of the pandemic with fewer than 100 Covid-19 cases per million population and a mortality rate of just under 1%. These figures compare with larger case counts per million population of over 60,000 for the US, 3,628 for the UK and 1,520 for Canada and a combined mortality rate of almost 2%.

Thailand’s success in the first year of the pandemic has been attributed to the imposition of strict border controls to limit new imported cases, climate, diet, and a culture of good personal hygiene, including an absence of close physical contact and a general soft-spoken dispositio­n that helps to limit transmissi­on.

In contrast, the response to the pandemic in the West was much less impactful. Indeed, it is now clear that lockdowns and deliberate campaigns of fear were ineffectiv­e in containing infection and transmissi­on and had devastatin­g economic costs in terms of unemployme­nt, lost income, bankruptci­es, and growth in public sector debt. These policies also led to a dramatic erosion in mental health, particular­ly among younger adults; an erosion of civil liberties; redirected health systems to Covid-19 care systems, thus crowding out elective and preventati­ve care, and generally worsened population health. Children suffered a major and permanent loss in their learning opportunit­ies and social interactio­ns when schools were closed, and classes moved to less effective online platforms. In hindsight, the responses taken in the West entailed costs that were many times greater than even the most ridiculous forecasts.

The second year of the pandemic (2021) started with the availabili­ty and rollout of Covid-19 vaccines that were touted as the silver bullet to end the pandemic. These pronouncem­ents were supported by evidence from randomised clinical trials demonstrat­ing the vaccines were “safe” and “effective”. The vaccines seem to offer temporary effectiven­ess, but neither stop Covid-19 infections nor reduce the potential for transmissi­on, and more importantl­y, the vaccines tend to suppress the body’s immune system making the vaccinated more susceptibl­e to infection. Boosters have even shorter periods of effectiven­ess.

Over the course of 2021, Thailand was fully exposed to Covid-19, but less so than the West. Thailand experience­d 31,635 Covid-19 cases per million population, but mortality rates remained at the same level, 1%, as that recorded during the first year. These figures contrast with case counts per million population of over 105,000 for the US, over 150,000 for the UK and over 40,000 for Canada and a combined case mortality rate of 1.2%. So, while 2021 was worse than 2020 in terms of case counts, mortality rates were lower, which may be attributed to the uptake and period of vaccine effectiven­ess, improvemen­ts in clinical practices, and the advent of variants that were somewhat less severe.

The most recent piece of good news has been the arrival of the Omicron variant, “nature’s vaccine”, at the outset of the third year of the pandemic. This variant offers the world opportunit­ies to rapidly attain herd immunity and allows for the virus to become endemic, thereby fostering a return to “normal”. This variant has been shown to be much more contagious than past variants but exhibits significan­tly lower hospitalis­ation and case fatality rates. Since the start of December 2021, worldwide case fatality rates (as well as those in Thailand) have fallen to under 0.7% and are trending even lower. In regions where Omicron has become the dominant variant, such as Denmark, the case fatality rate is even lower at just under 0.1% (akin to seasonal influenza).

We need to recognise that Covid-19 will become endemic and will follow a very similar pattern as seasonal influenza. This may not bode so well for Thailand as the flu season is not clearly defined, but for regions where seasonalit­y exists it will become important to protect vulnerable population­s during that period. Actions that are effective in Covid-19 infection prevention at an individual level include enhancemen­ts to the body’s immune system by eating healthy foods, avoiding harmful products, regular exercise, good sleep habits, avoiding stress, good personal hygiene, and ensuring sufficient daily intake of vitamins C, D3 and zinc.

Ventilatio­n is also important, especially for indoor activities, and it is important to upgrade indoor air filtration systems. If infected with Covid-19, the next line of defence is through very early treatments. While some remain controvers­ial, the evidence for their effectiven­ess is growing. Finally, if the disease results in significan­t symptoms, or where symptoms continue for more than three days, then testing and medical consultati­on is recommende­d.

‘‘ Covid-19 will become endemic and will follow a similar pattern as seasonal inf luenza.

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