Bangkok Post

Macron unveils manifesto for re-election


French President Emmanuel Macron pledged further tax cuts, reforms to the welfare system and major public investment­s on Thursday as he unveiled his manifesto less than a month from elections.

The 44-year-old had delayed confirming his intention to seek a second term until March 3 and had been at the heart of Western diplomatic efforts to halt Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Speaking for four hours at his first major campaign event, he announced a programme aimed at deepening probusines­s reforms started in 2017 to reduce chronicall­y high unemployme­nt.

“We have to work more,” Mr Macron told some 300 journalist­s gathered at a venue in a northern Paris suburb, in front of giant screens showing his slogan “With You”.

“We have two levers: full employment and reforming the pension system,” he said.

Mr Macron acknowledg­ed that he had been unable to push through the pension overhaul as promised in 2017, but pledged to tackle it again and push back the retirement age to 65 from 62.

He also proposed reforms to the benefits system that would require the unemployed to undertake 15 to 20 hours of work or training per week.

Another politicall­y risky change would see all social benefits — for unemployme­nt, housing, or childcare — centralise­d in a single system, affecting up to 20 million French people.

Major new public investment­s in the military, the energy sector and new technologi­es were also required in order to create “an independen­t France in a strong Europe,” he said.

The programme “has been informed by the crises we’ve experience­d in the last five years which we weren’t expecting”, he said, referring to so-called “Yellow Vest” anti-government protests from 2018, the Covid-19 crisis, and the war in Ukraine.

Rivals across the political spectrum, who have struggled to make an impact as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has dominated headlines, have accused Mr Macron of neglecting the election campaign until now.

He has taken a leading role in Western diplomatic efforts to stop the war in Ukraine, holding 20 hours of talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in the last five weeks.

“The president wants to be reelected without ever really having been a candidate, without a campaign, without a debate, without a competitio­n of ideas,” the head of the Senate, Gerard Larcher, said on Tuesday.

“If there isn’t a campaign, then there will be questions about the legitimacy of the winner,” Mr Larcher, from the opposition Republican­s party, told Le Figaro newspaper.

In the most recent voter surveys, Mr Macron has gained five to six points over the last month and could be on course to win the first round of the election on April 10 with a score of about 30%.

Veteran far-right leader Marine Le Pen is running in second place, on about 18%, a poll of polls by Politico suggests.

She is trailed by three candidates at about 11-12% — right-wing challenger Valerie Pecresse, far-right former TV pundit Eric Zemmour and hard-left campaigner Jean-Luc Melenchon, who appears to be gaining momentum.

The top two candidates in the first round will progress to a run-off vote on April 24.

Polls suggest Mr Macron will triumph by a large margin irrespecti­ve of his rival.

Behind the scenes, the president is reported to be urging ministers and campaign workers to guard against premature optimism.

 ?? AFP ?? France’s President Emmanuel Macron presents his political programme in Paris on Thursday ahead of the April 10-24 presidenti­al election in France.
AFP France’s President Emmanuel Macron presents his political programme in Paris on Thursday ahead of the April 10-24 presidenti­al election in France.

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