Bangkok Post

Israel’s unlikely allies split again

Once united by the desire to remove Netanyahu from power, coalition govt divided once more over Palestine stance, write Guillaume Lavallee and Ben Simon


Israel’s unlikely coalition government, the first ever backed by an Arab party, was forged a year ago to oust right-wing premier Benjamin Netanyahu, but ultimately collapsed over the Palestinia­n conflict. As a result, Israel looks headed for new elections — the fifth in three and a half years — and the threat of widening fissures between the groups that made up the eight-party “change” alliance.

Mr Netanyahu, some observers predict, will battle for a comeback in part by exploiting divisions between the right-wing Jewish and Arab-Israeli groups that had managed to cooperate for 12 months.

During that time, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett held together the disparate coalition of hawks, centrists, doves and Arab Islamists, united chiefly in their desire to oust Mr Netanyahu after 12 straight years in power.

Mr Bennett — who is now due to hand over the top post to Foreign Minister Yair Lapid — focussed on areas of consensus and sought to avoid the most divisive topics, especially around Israel’s occupation of the West Bank.

But it was that flashpoint issue that eventually ended the unlikely coalition which, already weakened by defections, faced a revolt by left-wing and Arab lawmakers.

The bone of contention was a previously obscure law that allows Jewish settlers in the West Bank to live under Israeli jurisdicti­on while many Palestinia­ns live under the rules of military occupation.

Arab coalition MPs, from the leftwing Meretz and the Islamist Raam party, refused to re-certify the law, which gives settlers equivalent legal standing to people who live inside Israel’s internatio­nally recognised borders.


Mr Bennett — a religious nationalis­t who once led a settler lobby — said allowing the measure to lapse by a June 30 deadline would spell security risks and “constituti­onal chaos”.

He instead chose to end the government, thereby delaying a final vote on the issue until after another election.

Political analyst Dahlia Scheindlin said the coalition’s collapse proved, once again, that “no government can afford to put aside the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict”.

She said that Mr Netanyahu, despite his ideologica­l support for extending Israeli law to West Bank settlers, had told his Likud party to vote against its renewal, in order to deliver a fatal blow to Mr Bennett’s government.

“I think he knew from day one... that there are many things that the coalition could agree on — and that there is one big, weak link between those parties that he can [use to] wedge it apart, and that is the occupation.”

The end came late on Monday, when Mr Bennett and the centrist Lapid, the coalition’s chief architect, said efforts to salvage the coalition had been “exhausted”.

They said they would back a bill to dissolve parliament. Barring any surprises, such as defections to Mr Netanyahu’s camp, this would likely trigger an election that could be held on Oct 25.

A parliament­ary committee has taken the first of several required steps, with a preliminar­y plenum vote to be held yesterday.

In keeping with the power-sharing deal, Mr Lapid will serve as prime minister of the caretaker government. Mr Lapid will welcome US President Joe Biden next month in his first visit to Israel as president.

The US promised to maintain its strong support for Israel ahead of new elections.

“I don’t expect political developmen­ts in Israel will have implicatio­ns for what we are seeking to accomplish together with our Israeli partners,” State Department spokesman Ned Price said.

Israel hopes Biden’s visit will help contain Iran and foster an eventual normalisat­ion of ties with Saudi Arabia.



There is one big, weak link between those parties that Netanyahu can (use to) wedge it apart, and that is the occupation. DAHLIA SCHEINDLIN POLITICAL ANALYST

The political turmoil again throws a spotlight on lawmakers from Israel’s Arab minority — especially Mansour Abbas, head of the Raam party, which won four seats a year ago.

Mr Abbas said he decided to become the first Arab party leader to support an Israeli government in order to improve living conditions for his constituen­ts, including Bedouin in the southern Negev desert.

Mr Netanyahu — who at one stage had also made overtures to Mr Abbas — on Monday lashed out at Mr Bennett for leading a government that “depended on terrorist supporters” and which had “abandoned the Jewish character of Israel”.

“I will not form a coalition with Mansour Abbas,” he vowed.

Some commentato­rs have seen Mr Abbas’s collaborat­ion with the Bennett alliance as a game-changer that creates more space for Arabs in Israeli politics.

But the lessons are unclear, argued former Netanyahu adviser Aviv Bushinsky. Some voters may say “it was an interestin­g experiment, with the Arab Israelis in the government, but it cost us too much,” he said.

Nahum Barnea, a columnist with Yediot Aharonot newspaper, predicted Mr Netanyahu would focus on the issue of Arabs in Israeli politics in a campaign sure to be “brutal, malicious and nauseating”.

“Likud will say that bringing an Arab party into the coalition was an unforgivab­le sin, an act of treason against the homeland.”

 ?? ?? Lapid: Set to take over as PM
Lapid: Set to take over as PM

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