Bangkok Post


- Brett Brasier

Avoid sliding in both directions during the swing, as you don’t want to slide away from the target, and you don’t want to slide towards the target. Ideally, envisage keeping your weight in the middle of your stance as you swing back. Your weight will only move forward towards the target in the downswing and as a result you will rotate rather than slide.

Balance is crucial in golf and staying away from any kind of sliding action will quickly make you a better player.

Some players will slide away from the intended target, allowing their body weight to move with the club.

The other common fault that causes a slide in the golf swing starts when you end your backswing and start the downswing, when some players will slide their lower body towards the target before they get started with any kind of rotation.

Avoid this mistake in order to make your swing as powerful and consistent as possible.

To hinder a backswing slide, focus on the position of your right knee.

As long as your right knee holds its position while the swing is starting, you should be able to steer clear of that early slide to the right.

To make sure of no transition slide, move down with the rotation of your lower body towards the target.

Do your best to turn your left hip open to the target as your downswing begins. If you can make that move reliably, there is little chance you will wind up with a slide.

Out of Bounds: Sudden success in golf is like the sudden acquisitio­n of wealth. It is apt to unsettle and deteriorat­e the character. — PG Woodhouse

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