Bangkok Post

UN shelves rep bid by Afghan Taliban, Myanmar junta


>>UNITED NATIONS: The United Nations General Assembly on Friday approved postponing — for the second time — a decision on whether the Afghan Taliban administra­tion and the Myanmar junta can send a UN ambassador to New York.

The 193-member General Assembly approved without a vote the decision by the UN credential­s committee, which also deferred a decision on rival claims to Libya’s UN seat. The nine-member committee includes Russia, China and the United States.

The postponeme­nt of decisions on

Myanmar, Afghanista­n and Libya leaves the current envoys in place. But the credential­s committee said it could “revert to considerat­ion of these credential­s at a future time in the seventy-seventh session” of the General Assembly, which ends in September next year.

Competing claims were again made for the seats of Myanmar and Afghanista­n with the Taliban administra­tion and Myanmar’s junta pitted against envoys of the government­s they ousted last year. UN acceptance of the Taliban administra­tion or Myanmar’s junta would be a step toward the internatio­nal recognitio­n sought by both.

A rival claim was also made this year for Libya’s UN seat — currently held by the Government of National Unity in Tripoli — by a “Government of National Stability” led by Fathi Bashagha and backed by a parliament in the country’s east.

The Taliban seized power in mid-August last year from the internatio­nally recognised government. When the Taliban last ruled Afghanista­n between 1996 and 2001, the ambassador of the government they toppled remained the UN envoy.

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