Bangkok Post

Pakistan pleads for flood relief amid crisis

FM says his country is in an ‘incredibly difficult position’, writes Shery Ahn


Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari urged the world to continue to help the South Asian nation recover from devastatin­g floods ahead of a United Nations conference next month to mobilise funding.

Pakistan is facing an economic crisis with reserves covering one month of imports, a dollar shortage and a delay in its loan program with the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund. Investors are still concerned about the nation’s ability to manage its debt, with long-term dollar bonds continuing to trade at distressed levels despite the payment of a $1 billion (34.7 billion baht) bond this month.

“We find ourselves in this incredibly difficult position where we’re trying to manage our macroecono­mic indicators with the IMF and provide the imminent relief for the people that is still necessary now in Pakistan, and plan forward for reconstruc­tion and rehabilita­tion,” Mr Zardari, 34, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Washington DC.

“Unfortunat­ely, the cameras have gone, the attention has disappeare­d, but there are still floodwater­s in many areas of my country.”

Pakistan’s unpreceden­ted floods in the summer killed more than 1,700 people, inundated a third of the nation and cut the nation’s growth by half. The floods have left about

$32 billion in damages and losses to the nation’s economy.

The UN said the global community hadn’t provided enough funds after the devastatin­g floods in Pakistan, and that may lead to the suspension of its food support programme next month.

The UN and Pakistan’s joint appeal garnered only about

30% of the $816 million funds requested, according to Julien Harneis, UN resident and humanitari­an coordinato­r in Pakistan.

Pakistan has seen a delay in its latest IMF loan tranche amid prolonged discussion­s with the global body, which has asked for details on how much the nation will be spending this year for rehabilita­tion after the devastatin­g floods. The IMF indicated that talks have been productive to revise the macroecono­mic outlook after the floods, resident representa­tive in Pakistan Esther Perez Ruiz said this month.

“The entire unity government agrees that it’s important for us to deal with internatio­nal financial institutio­ns — we want to see the fundamenta­l reform that’s required for the overall health of our economy,” Mr Zardari said.

“But at the moment, our number one priority has to be helping these people who are in extreme, extreme distress in the short, medium and long term.”

Pakistan is also facing renewed political uncertaint­y, with opposition member Imran Khan planning to dissolve two of the four provincial assemblies later this week to push the government to announce fresh elections. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s government, which came to power in April after removing Mr Khan through a no-confidence vote in the federal parliament, has in retaliatio­n, filed a no-confidence motion in the provincial assembly of Punjab.

Mr Zardari, chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party and the son of Benazir Bhutto — the Muslim country’s first female prime minister who was assassinat­ed in 2007 — called Mr Khan “Machiavell­ian” and blasted him for failing to cooperate with the coalition government to help provide funding relief. Mr Khan has hosted his own telethons to raise funds for flood victims.

“It should have been not just my priority, but everybody’s priority to step up, to leave partisan politics aside and unite to meet this challenge,” Mr Zardari said. “Unfortunat­ely, Mr Khan has been throwing in eight-month tantrum that he has not been prime minister,” he added.

 ?? ?? Zardari: Recovery the main priority
Zardari: Recovery the main priority

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