Bangkok Post

Marcos faces rising prices of basic items

Food staple shortages felt across Philippine­s


Ferdinand Marcos Jr made a curious move when he became Philippine president-elect in mid-2022: he named himself agricultur­e minister, pledging to fix the country’s food problems.

The decision showed the political weight of the often unglamorou­s job, and highlighte­d the potential risk to the new president. But quick solutions have been hard to find. The Philippine­s has reported shortages of everything from salt to sugar over the last few months even as the economy grew the fastest since the 1970s last year.

The latest scarce ingredient is onions, which briefly cost more than meat earlier this month. Prices have become so absurdly high that 10 Philippine Airlines flight attendants were caught bringing the vegetables back with them from the Middle East.

The shortages of basic food staples are being felt throughout the economy and helped propel inflation to near the highest levels since the global financial crisis in 2008. Burger King said that it’s all out of onions, Coca-Cola had to suspend some operations because it couldn’t get enough sugar, and Marcos this month described the surge in food prices an “emergency situation.”

As in much of the world, the cost of food, fuel and fertiliser have all jumped since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine early last year. But the Philippine­s is particular­ly vulnerable, despite being among the world’s biggest producers of rice, coconuts and bananas. The World Food Programme estimates that one in 10 households in the country are food insecure, with those reliant on agricultur­e most affected.

The government and lawmakers blame greedy traders for hoarding food to create artificial shortages that allows them to jack up prices. When discussing the onion crisis earlier this month, Senator Imee Marcos, the president’s sister, said there’s “a level of treachery and manipulati­on involved because these prices are inexplicab­le.”

Farmers seem to agree. Ramon Silverio, an onion grower, said he and others sold their crops at a 60% to 80% discount from previous years to traders with cold storage facilities. Many Philippine growers don’t have access to these warehouses, which can greatly extend the shelf life of fresh produce.

“These businessme­n buy cheaply from farmers and we’re left with no choice but to sell. It’s suicide for us,” Silverio said. Some of the onions were then resold at as much as 600 pesos ($11) a kilogram in Manila, he said, more than seven times the price a few months earlier. “There’s no shortage of onions.”

Government data indicate that the Philippine­s produced a bumper onion crop last year. The output of 238,562 tonnes — the highest on record — should have been sufficient for the domestic market, which consumes about 20,000 tonnes a month.

Marcos, whose commitment to halve rice prices helped fuel his landslide election win last year, faces the risk of losing public support if he’s unable to bring agricultur­al inflation under control. Historical­ly, food shocks have often spurred social unrest in the Philippine­s, and they’ve also created a brisk trade in smuggling basic staples from overseas.

“I don’t know if the public will give him a longer honeymoon period,” said Jean Franco, a political science professor at the University of the Philippine­s. “The problems that we have now are really gut issues.”

Marcos ordered the agricultur­e department this month to issue permits to import onions. The country will also buy sugar from overseas. Ultimately, the government wants to lift domestic production but is held back by a range of issues, including inadequate infrastruc­ture to connect farmers to markets. Agricultur­e output, which accounts for a 10th of the economy, shrank last year.

A full-time agricultur­e secretary will be appointed once the issues are fixed and the systems are in place, Marcos said this month. He was scheduled to meet with onion importers, traders, retailers and farmers yesterday to discuss prices.

Hoarders who take advantage of the system should be punished as they’re a threat to national food security, said Ricardo Diño, an agricultur­e professor at the University of Camarines Norte. The government should also improve farmers’ access to subsidies and cold storage facilities, he said.

 ?? AFP ?? Workers push a trolley loaded with imported onions for delivery to stores in the Divisoria district of Manila.
AFP Workers push a trolley loaded with imported onions for delivery to stores in the Divisoria district of Manila.

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