Bangkok Post

Uganda law bans LGBTQ identifica­tion


Uganda’s parliament passed a law on Tuesday making it a crime to identify as LGBTQ, handing authoritie­s broad powers to target gay Ugandans who already face legal discrimina­tion and mob violence.

More than 30 African countries, including Uganda, already ban samesex relations. The new law appears to be the first to outlaw merely identifyin­g as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgende­r and queer (LGBTQ), according to rights group Human Rights Watch.

Supporters of the new law say it is needed to punish a broader array of LGBTQ activities, which they say threaten traditiona­l values in the conservati­ve and religious East African nation.

In addition to same-sex intercours­e, the law bans promoting and abetting homosexual­ity as well as conspiracy to engage in homosexual­ity.

Violations under the law draw severe penalties, including death for so-called aggravated homosexual­ity and life in prison for gay sex. Aggravated homosexual­ity involves gay sex with people under the age of 18 or when the perpetrato­r is HIV positive, among other categories, according to the law.

“Our creator God is happy [about] what is happening... I support the bill to protect the future of our children,” lawmaker David Bahati said during debate on the bill.

“This is about the sovereignt­y of our nation, nobody should blackmail us, nobody should intimidate us.”

The legislatio­n will be sent to President Yoweri Museveni to be signed into law.

Frank Mugisha, a prominent Ugandan LGBTQ activist denounced the legislatio­n as draconian.

“This law is very extreme and draconian... it criminalis­es being an LGBTQ person, but also they are trying to erase the entire existence of any LGBTQ Ugandan,” he said.

Mr Museveni has not commented on the current proposal but he has long opposed LGBTQ rights and signed an anti-LGBTQ law in 2013 that Western countries condemned before a domestic court struck it down on procedural grounds.

In recent weeks, Uganda authoritie­s have cracked down on LGBTQ people after religious leaders and politician­s alleged students were being recruited into homosexual­ity in schools. This month, authoritie­s arrested a secondary school teacher in the eastern district of Jinja over accusation­s of “grooming of young girls into unnatural sex practices”.

She was subsequent­ly charged with gross indecency and is in prison awaiting trial. The police said on Monday they had arrested six people accused of running a network that was “actively involved in the grooming of young boys into acts of sodomy”.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Ugandan MP from Bubulo, John Musira, gestures as he leaves parliament’s chambers during debate on the AntiHomose­xuality bill on Tuesday.
REUTERS Ugandan MP from Bubulo, John Musira, gestures as he leaves parliament’s chambers during debate on the AntiHomose­xuality bill on Tuesday.

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