Bangkok Post

Rail heralded as future for Thai logistics

Has low emissions and costs less to run


Experts have backed rail to transport agricultur­al products over long distances following a successful trial, which saw a 13-fold lowering of carbon emissions when compared to air freight. It was also cheaper.

The trial was conducted by Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), which used high-efficiency mobile refrigerat­ed container trains to transport the Royal Project’s fresh merchandis­e from the north to the south of Thailand.

According to the project’s environmen­tal researcher, Asst Prof Charnnaron­g Puchongkaw­arin, the trial yielded impressive results, not only in terms of product quality comparison but also in terms of environmen­tal aspects.

He said railway logistics had the lowest carbon emission rate compared to land and air freight.

Trains emit 0.06kg of carbon dioxide per tonne of products, while airplanes emit 0.7–0.8kg and road logistics emit 0.36kg, he said.

“Changing to rail helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The reduced emissions means you can generate income by selling your carbon credits,” Asst Prof Charnnaron­g said.

In the future, policies regarding carbon allowances will be taken more seriously, and a carbon tax may be enforced. “This will add more value to carbon credits and organisati­ons will be more alert,” he said.

Asst Prof Kanda Boonsothor­nsatid, director of the Logistics Innovation Research Centre at King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi and the research team leader, said the products delivered in the trial remained fresh and undamaged despite the three-day journey across the country.

The cost was also cheaper, down from 14 baht/kg by road to four baht/ kg by train, she said.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government, through the Lancang-Mekong Cooperatio­n Special Fund (LMCSF), donated 25 million baht to support three research studies by Thailand’s National Science and Technology Developmen­t Agency (NSTDA).

The projects include two by the National Centre for Genetic Engineerin­g and Biotechnol­ogy (Biotec) — one on edible mushrooms and cordyceps in the Mekong region and the other concerns cassava disease control and remedy.

The National Metal and Materials Technology Centre (MTec) is also conducting a study on the technologi­cal capacity of domestic industries and preparing to draft product standards for high-speed rail freight.

Ekarat Wainit, director of the modern rail system and transporta­tion technology research at MTec, said people in the Lancang-Mekong industrial sector still lack the skills and technologi­cal understand­ing to develop high-standard products ready for high-speed rail infrastruc­ture.

So, upgrading the technologi­cal capabiliti­es of the countries where the constructi­on of the high-speed rail project is underway needs immediate attention.

This would also help create economic sustainabi­lity and long-term cooperatio­n for countries in the Lancang-Mekong region, he said.

MTec is directed by the National Science and Technology Developmen­t Agency (NSTDA).

Ma Minggeng, an adviser on science and technology with the Chinese Embassy of Thailand, said both countries had signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) on science and technology in 1978.

He said the LMCSF Project has funded more than 1,000 research projects since then.

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