Bangkok Post



Re: “Economics is irredeemab­ly sexist”, (Opinion, March 6).

Few intelligen­t readers will prefer repeated bickering among contributo­rs (defamation litigation — really?), so let’s try changing the subject.

In this opinion piece, the author, Yanis Varoufakis, provides this irredeemab­le nonsense: “One reason women detest the field (economics) is the male chauvinist pig standing in the middle of it, masqueradi­ng as the avatar of economic rationalit­y.”

Essentiall­y his article is based upon the premise that men are logical, and women are not (at least when it comes to spending money) and therefore the hoodoo modelling-pseudoscie­nce of economics is biased. In keeping with current narratives, philosophy in general is considered “sexist” as well.

Varoufakis, an avowed Marxist, presided over the Greek economy while it imploded in one of the worst fiscal debacles in the EU. Now he is writing alongside other leftist propagandi­sts for the Project Syndicate.

Where does his outlandish thought-rubbish come from, one may wonder? The Chinese Party is the ultimate architect of “wokeism,” having introduced it into Western higher educationa­l institutio­ns more than 40 years ago.

In a well-planned, well-funded, and typically nefarious example of 5th generation hybrid warfare which takes its inspiratio­n from Tsun Tzu’s classic, The Art of War, the major intellectu­al frauds known as the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, transgende­rism, the superior non-nuclear family, diversity, equity and inclusion, reparation­s, and wokeism have throttled the intellectu­al developmen­t of an entire generation of Westerners.

It seems to be working well. The above intellectu­al destructio­n combined with the CCP’s principal moral imperative of corrupt money politics, have allowed the CCP to own the US Democrat Party, a portion of the Republican Party, and the sitting president of the United States. Our local CCP apparatchi­ks will no doubt cheer.

Michael Setter

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