TR Monitor

Normalizat­ion in politics


is taking new steps THE GOVERNMENT toward normalizat­ion as the number of new coronaviru­s cases drops. Business life is gradually going back to normal as shopping malls re-opened last week. However, some argue that it was too early to re-open shopping malls.

Faik Oztrak, Representa­tive of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), questioned the General Assembly’s decision to re-open some shopping malls when outdoor areas like parks remain closed. ztrak said a second wave would risk all efforts and delay resumption of economic activity and added that the CHP demands a responsibl­e exit strategy.

There are two conditions for an exit strategy, according to Oztrak: respecting scientific facts and transparen­cy in the decision making process. It’s crucial to prepare a separate exit strategy for every sector and every city and the Scientific Committee should approve these strategies, Oztrak argued.

Also, Saruhan Oluc, Group Deputy Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) said re-opening shopping malls despite the Scientific Board’s warnings poses significan­t risks for public health. A second and third wave should not be overlooked, •luc said, pointing to Japan and Singapore as examples.

These steps towards normalizat­ion are a result of economic worries, according to Meral Aksener, Chairman of the Iyi Party. Since the government is not able to meet the public’s cash demand as the economy faces a slowdown, it’s taking new steps towards normalizat­ion to revive the economy. “The Scientific Committee is worried about the decision to re-open shopping malls,” she said.


Ahmet Davutoglu, Chairman of the Future Party is among those who believe it’s too early for normalizat­ion. Davutoglu pointed out the contradict­ion of the government re-opens shopping malls while still imposing curfews. “Why are you imposing curfews if there are no risks? Why are you re-opening shopping malls if it’s still risky to go outside? Why are the General Assembly and mosques closed when shopping malls are open?”

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