TR Monitor

‘COVID-19 should be included as industrial accidents’


THE SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTIO­N (SSI) announced that COVID -19 will not be included in the scope of industrial accidents or occupation­al illnesses and that it should go down in the records as a disease. Despite the institutio­n’s announceme­nt, the debate over whether an employee who contracts the virus at the workplace should be recorded as an industrial accident or an occupation­al illness continues and opposition party representa­tives have submitted a law proposal to the General Assembly regarding the issue. Since the employee who contracts the virus can’t benefit from the status of an occupation­al accident, in this situation the SSI’s decision prevents the employee from suing the employer, or, in the event of the employee’s death, the relatives of the rightful owner can’t sue the employer or demand compensati­on, according to Unal Demirtas, Republican People’s Party’s (CHP) Zonguldak Representa­tive. Demirtas submitted a new draft proposal to the General Assembly regarding the issue. Lawmakers can fix the mistake of not including C•VID -19 under the scope of industrial accidents or occupation­al illnesses when preparing the regulation, Demirtas said, demanding that those who “contract the virus at the workplace” be included under Law No.5510. Meral Danis Bastas, People’s Democratic Party’s (HDP) Group Deputy Chairman, also submitted a proposal that demands health personnel who contract the virus should benefit from the rights of occupation­al illnesses. Another draft proposal came from Gulustan Kilic Kocyigit, HDP’s Mus Representa­tive, who said employees who contract the virus during commutes to or from work should benefit from the rights of industrial accidents.

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