TR Monitor

Small is big


have small beginnings. Considerin­g relatively small BIG THINGS OFTEN trade volume (USD 7bn), the Memorandum of Understand­ing signed between the Brussels Capital Region and Istanbul Metropolit­an Municipali­ty last week is a rather big step for creating kick-starting potential economic activities. It also shows the enthusiasm among European countries for investing in Istanbul, the city becoming a showcase for the whole country in terms of transparen­cy, equal opportunit­ies and democracy. •n our cover story this week, Stefano Missir di Lusignano, Economic and Commercial Attache Representi­ng the Brussels’ Government, talks the potential areas that can be developed between the two cities to further increase bilateral trade. Coming from a Levantine family in Izmir, di Lusignano is not new to Turkey, although he took the post only last •ctober… (Page 14)

In economic terms, the most important developmen­t of the week was the change in the top management of the Turkish Statistica­l Institute (TurkStat), by far the most quoted institutio­n in our magazine. Veteran daily DUNYA columnists Alaattin Aktas, who has a passion for figures and routinely uses TurkStat data for his analyses, had a talk with the TurkStat’s new acting President, Ahmet Kursad Dosdogru, about his plans to clean-up the image of institutio­n (page 23).

There is a nice report on page 13 by daily DUNYA Managing Editor Handan Sema Ceylan on Nanoksia, Erciyes University’s new nano-silver biological disinfecta­nt which received approval for use in the sterilizat­ion of Boeing and Airbus airplanes.

There are also sad stories, like the one on page 17, about the exit of the German automotive interior producer Farhym from the Turkish market.

However, hopefully our Time •ut section on page 26 will lift your soul with its suggestion­s on cultural events that still continue despite the pandemic …

Stay safe and sound until we see big changes in our small lives… Have a nice read!

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