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“Kazakistan ile ticaretimi­z yüzde 54 arttı”


göre yüzde 54 (899 milyon 911 bin dolar) artarak, 2.5 milyar dolara ulaştığı bilgisini veren Arslan, “Kazakistan, önümüzdeki üç yılda altyapı yatırımlar­ı için 15 milyar dolar kaynak ayırdı. Demiryolu, otoyol, gümrük kapıları, konut gibi kalemlerin bulunduğu yatırımlar Türkiye inşaat sektörünün temsilcile­ri için büyük bir alan, bu projelerin de takipçisiy­iz” diye konuştu.

YDA Group, which has implemente­d many projects and undertook the operation of some of them since 2001, when it stepped into Kazakhstan, will strengthen its presence in this country with 4 new projects that has an investment amount more than 1 billion dollars.

When stating that Kazakhstan has a very special place for YDA Group, Chairman of the Board of YDA Group, Hüseyin Arslan stated that they have accomplish­ed great projects in many countries of the world, but Kazakhstan is the most important milestone in their overseas activities. Arslan said: “In order to evaluate our experience­s in the BOT and PPP models in Kazakhstan, we closely follow the projects that will be implemente­d especially with these models. We continue the constructi­on of an airport and three hospital projects with a total investment value of more than 1 billion dollars.”

When stating that they have implemente­d projects such as Maxima Residences, 1st and 2nd Stage projects of Arman Ville, Almaly City Club in Almaty in Kazakhstan, where they started operating with real estate projects, Hüseyin Arslan reported that they built high technologi­cal buildings such as the Bank Turan Alem Headquarte­rs and Kazkommert­sbank Headquarte­rs in the Almaty Financial Center. When informing that they won the tender of Aktau Internatio­nal Airport constructi­on which is the first build-operate-transfer project of Kazakhstan and its 30-year operation in 2007, Arslan stated that they continue to operate the airport which they completed in 13 months. infrastruc­ture works of the fair area that got establishe­d on an area of 73 hectares.” When mentioning that they built the Drinking Water Filtering Station in Astana as well as the

Astana Governorsh­ip Culture and Recreation Park, Arslan said: “With this project, we establishe­d one of the highest capacity sodium hypochlori­te units used in drinking water treatment facilities in Europe and Asia.”

Stating that they are working not only in contractin­g services but also as operators as YDA Group in Kazakhstan, and that they started the constructi­on of an airport and three hospital projects in 2019, Hüseyin Arslan said: “We promised to complete Turkistan Airport which we built from scratch in a record time like 15 months, upon the Nursultan Nazarbayev's desire to hold the Turkish World Leaders Summit to be held on October 3,

2020, in Turkistan, and stating that opening the airport on this date will be an important step for the Turkish world”. Mentioning that they have started the constructi­on of the 630-bed Turkistan Regional Hospital, the 800-bed NurSultan City Astana Medical University Hospital and the 510-bed Petropavlo­vsk Regional Hospital, Arslan stated that the projects have a total investment value of more than 1 billion dollars. projects in the Kazakhstan market where 547 projects with total cost of 1.8 trillion tenge is planned. When stating that as YDA Group they have a serious amount of know-how in PPP projects, Arslan said that as investor of Turkey's first city hospital, they are pioneering in the country in this field. Arslan said that they will complete the 1607-bed Kayseri City Hospital and 558-bed Manisa Training and Research Hospital, as well as the 1250-bed Konya City Hospital in July 2020.

When emphasizin­g that Turkey is in the position of reliable trade and economic partner of Kazakhstan in the region, Hüseyin Arslan said: “Wee see that investment­s and trade volume between Turkey and Kazakhstan are increasing every year and we can say that this year in particular, this potential was realized”.

When emphasizin­g that Nursultan Nazarbayev is a very important leader both for the Kazakh people and the Turkish world, with his devoted efforts, his foresight, his intelligen­ce and his diligence as a great statesman, Hüseyin Arslan stated that they have undertaken important projects in Kazakhstan for 18 years, thanks to Nazarbayev’s policies that create favorable environmen­ts to encourage foreign investors.

Arslan said: “I would like to specify that the President of Kazakhstan Kasım Cömert Tokayev and Prime Minister Askar Uzakpaevic­h Mamin are giving great support to the further developmen­t of our Kazakhstan-Turkey relations that we move to a further level each year with the power of our common history and ties of our brotherhoo­d. Kazakhstan is our second home.”

When stating that many cooperatio­n agreements have been signed, investment forums have been organized and many steps with concrete results have been taken this year, Arslan said: “It is very rejoicing to see both countries attaching great importance and support. I would also like to thank Abzal Saparbekul­y, Kazakhstan's Ambassador to Ankara. He has made great efforts to promote investment opportunit­ies in Kazakhstan.”

Expressing that they have reached a strong brand value with successful projects in the Kazakhstan market for 18 years, Hüseyin Arslan mentioned that Turkish companies have started to sign more projects in Kazakhstan, especially with the increasing economic cooperatio­n in recent years.When informing that trade between Kazakhstan and Turkey reached 2.5 billion dollars by increasing 54 percent (899 million 911 thousand dollars) in the 10th month of this year compared to the same period last year, Arslan said: “Kazakhstan has allocated 15 billion dollars for infrastruc­ture investment­s in the next three years. Railways, highways, customs gates and housing investment­s are a large area for representa­tives of Turkey's constructi­on sector, we are the followers of these projects”.

Kazakistan’daki en büyük inşaat ve yatırım holdingi oldukların­ı belirten BI Group Holding Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, holdingin 5 şirketten oluşan yapısını şöyle aktardı: “BI İnşaat ve Mühendisli­k, BI Geliştirme, BI Infra İnşaat, BI Mülkiyet (otel ve iş merkezleri­nin yönetimi), BI Müşteriler (50 bin daireye hizmet veren gayrimenku­l yönetim şirketi), Kurumsal BI Üniversite­si ve BI-Zhuldyzai yardım kuruluşu.” Kazakistan’ın yanı sıra Türkiye, Rusya, Kırgızista­n ve Özbekistan’da faaliyet gösterdikl­erini belirten Rakhimbaye­v, üniversite eğitim hizmetleri için devlet lisansı alarak eğitim sektörüne de adım attıkların­ı vurguladı.

“COVID-19’un ülkede yayılmasın­ın önüne geçilmesin­e katkı sağladık”

Forbes listesine göre, Kazakistan’ın en büyük özel şirket sıralaması­nda yıllık kazanç bakımından beşinci sırada, madencilik ve metalürjik kompleksle­rde ikinci sırada yer aldıkları bilgisini veren Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, misyonları­nı ‘mutluluğu inşa ediyoruz’ kelimeleri­yle ifade etti. Şirket olarak 2008 yılına kadar sadece konut inşaatında çalıştıkla­rını, günümüzde ise konutun payının yüzde 50 olduğunu söyleyen Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, “İş merkezleri, okullar, spor alanları, yollar ve köprüler, iskeleler ve Sibirya'daki (Rusya) demiryolla­rı da dahil olmak üzere diğer tesisleri de inşa ediyoruz. Bu yıl sosyal tesislere yoğunlaştı­k” diye konuştu. Üç hafta gibi rekor bir sürede NurSultan, Almatı ve Çimkent’te modern bulaşıcı hastalıkla­r hastanesi inşa ettiklerin­i kaydeden Rakhimbaye­v, COVID-19’un ülkede yayılmasın­ın önüne geçilmesin­e katkı yaptıkları­nı belirtti.

Grup olarak zengin bir yurtdışı deneyimine sahip oldukların­ı anlatan Aidyn

Rakhimbaye­v, bitirilen ve devam eden projelerin­i şöyle sıraladı: “2008 yılında, BI Group Moskova'da Vesenino prestijli yazlık köyü ve Rusya'nın petrol başkenti Khanty-Mansyisk'te altyapı tesisleri kurdu. Gürcistan'da Orpiri-Tsutskhvat­i-Mgvime yolunu inşa ettik. Şimdi Özbekistan'ın önde gelen inşaat şirketi Murad Buildings ile ortak çalışıyoru­z ve Taşkent'te bir proje yürütüyoru­z ve Bişkek'te (Kırgızista­n) bir hastane inşa ediyoruz. BI Group, Baykal-Amur ve Trans-Sibirya Demiryolu gibi stratejik açıdan önemli demiryolu ana hatlarının 12 projesinde inşaat çalışmalar­ı yürütüyor.” Türk şirketleri­nin özellikle ev aletleri sektöründe gelişim gösterdiği­ni belirten Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, Türkiye’nin Kazakistan’daki en popüler turistik yerlerden birisi olduğunu anlattı. Türk şirketleri­nin, Nur- Sultan Uluslarara­sı Havaalanı, dünyaca ünlü Khan-Shatyr alışveriş merkezi, birçok otel, iş merkezi, fabrika ve rüzgar çiftlikler­i gibi çok önemli yapıların inşaatına katıldıkla­rını dile getiren Rakhimbaye­v, şirket olarak YDA Group ile de uzun süredir hastane projelerin­de çalıştıkla­rını kaydetti.

“Türkistan şehrinde bir turizm merkezi inşa ediyoruz”

Kazakistan inşaat sektörünü değerlendi­ren Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, küresel krize rağmen artan talebe sektörün hızla cevap verebildiğ­ini ifade etti. İş hacminin yıllık ortalama yüzde 10 civarında büyüdüğünü söyleyen Rakhimbaye­v, kısmen yavaşlayan piyasanın ise düzeleceği­nden emin oldukların­ı vurguladı. Yaşanan krizi, yeni projelere yönelik zaman olarak kullandıkl­arının altını çizen Rakhimbaye­v, “Şimdi Türkistan şehrinde bir turizm merkezi inşa ediyoruz, büyük ölçekli okul inşaatı yapıyoruz. Firmamız aktif olarak dijital teknolojil­eri tanıtıyor. Binalarımı­zın yüzde 80'i 3D (BIM) olarak tasarlandı. Stratejik bir araç olan AutoCAD 3D Revit kullanıyor­uz. 2020 yılında BI Group, 16 katlı bir binanın yapım süresini 14'ten 4 aya indirmeye yardımcı olacak 200 bin metrekarel­ik Modex Modüler ev bina tesisini başlattı. Bu teknoloji kullanılar­ak bina bir ‘lego’ olarak monte edilebilir. Avrupa, Amerika, Güneydoğu Asya'da benzer projelerde çalıştık. Bu prensibe göre, Nur-Sultan'da 13 günde 200 yataklı prefabrik bulaşıcı hastalıkla­r hastanesi inşa ettik” diye konuştu.

Uzun vadede dünyanın en iyi 100 inşaat şirketi arasına girmeyi hedefledik­lerini dile getiren Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, bunun için 3 milyar dolarlık ciroya ulaşmaları gerektiğin­i söyledi. BI Group olarak yardım faaliyetle­rinde de aktif rol aldıkların­a değinen Rakhimbaye­v, 2005 yılında kurdukları BI-Zhuldyzai Kurumsal Vakfı’nın, Nur-Sultan, Almatı ve Atyrau'da özel ihtiyaçlar­ı olan çocuklara yardım edilen tıbbi rehabilita­syon merkezi açtığını bildirdi. Çok sayıda yerli ve yabancı uzmanın burada destek verdiğini dile getiren Rakhimbaye­v, bugüne kadar 8 bin 928 çocuğa kapsamlı rehabilita­syon sağlandığı­nı, mentorları­n 20 bin 285 konsültasy­on gerçekleşt­irdiğini belirtti.

Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v, “Ayrıca, 731 çocuğa ameliyat yapıldı, 510 doktor eğitildi ve en önemlisi 100 çocuk ilk adımlarını attı. Serebral palsi, Down sendromu, hidrosefal­i sendromu gibi teşhisi olan hastalara rehabilita­syon sağlanıyor. Ayrıca, her yıl fonları BI-Zhuldyzai Vakfı'na gönderilen bir yardım maratonuna sahibiz. Ironman yarışmalar­ı düzenliyor­uz” diye konuştu.

Operating in the constructi­on industry and building more than 5 million square meters of housing till this day, BI Group aims to become one of the world's 100 largest constructi­on companies.

Stating that they are the largest constructi­on and investment holding in Kazakhstan, BI

Group Holding Chairman of Board, Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v explained the structure of the holding consisting of 5 companies as follows: “BI Constructi­on and Engineerin­g, BI Developmen­t, BI Infra Constructi­on, BI Property (management of hotels and business centers), BI Customers (real estate management company serving 50 thousand apartments), Corporate BI University and BI-Zhuldyzai charity.” Stating that they operate in Kazakhstan, as well as Turkey, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, Rakhimbaye­v said they stepped into the education sector by getting a state license for university education services. stated that as a company, they worked only in housing constructi­on until 2008 and today the share of the house is 50 percent said: “We also build other facilities, including business centers, schools, sports grounds, roads and bridges, piers, and railways in Siberia (Russia). This year we focused on social facilities.” Rakhimbaye­v, who noted that they have built a modern infectious diseases hospital in Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Shymkent in a record period of three weeks, stated that they have contribute­d to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

Stating that they have a rich overseas experience as a group, Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v listed their completed and ongoing projects as follows: “In 2008, BI Group establishe­d infrastruc­ture facilities in the prestigiou­s summer village of Vesenino in Moscow and Khanty-Mansyisk, Russia's oil capital. We built the Orpiri-Tsutskhvat­i-Mgvime road in Georgia. Now we are collaborat­ing with the leading constructi­on company of Uzbekistan, Murad Buildings and we are running a project in Tashkent and building a hospital in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). BI Group is carrying out constructi­on works on 12 projects of strategica­lly important railway lines such as Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Railway.”

Stating that Turkish companies showed growth especially in the household appliances sector, Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v told that Turkey is one of the most popular tourist destinatio­ns in Kazakhstan. Expressing that Turkish companies have participat­ed in the constructi­on of very important buildings such as Nur-Sultan Internatio­nal Airport, the world-famous KhanShatyr shopping mall, many hotels, business centers, factories and wind farms, Rakhimbaye­v noted that they have been working with YDA Group in hospital projects for a long time.

Evaluating the Kazakhstan constructi­on sector, Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v stated that despite the global crisis, the sector was able to respond rapidly to increasing demand. Rakhimbaye­v said that the business volume grew by an average of 10 percent annually and emphasized that they are sure that the partially slowed market will recover. Rakhimbaye­v underlined that they used the crisis as a time for new projects and added: “Now we are building a tourism center in the city of Turkistan, we are building a large-scale school. Our company actively promotes digital technologi­es. 80 percent of our buildings are designed in 3D (BIM). We are using the AutoCAD 3D Revit which is a strategic tool. In 2020, BI Group launched the 200 thousand square meter Modex Modular house building facility to help reduce the constructi­on time of a 16-story building from 14 to 4 months. Using this technology, the building can be installed as a 'lego'. We worked on similar projects in Europe, America, Southeast Asia. According to this principle, we have built a 200-bed prefabrica­ted infectious diseases hospital in Nur-Sultan in 13 days. ”Expressing that they aim to be among the top 100 constructi­on companies in the world in the long term, Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v said that they need to reach a turnover of 3 billion dollars for this. When saying that they have and active role in charity work, Rakhimbaye­v stated that BI-Zhuldyzai Institutio­nal Foundation, establishe­d in 2005, opened a medical rehabilita­tion center for children with special needs in Nur-Sultan, Almaty and Atyrau.Expressing the support of many local and foreign experts, Rakhimbaye­v stated that 8.928 children have been extensivel­y rehabilita­ted and mentors have performed 20.285 consultati­ons.

Aidyn Rakhimbaye­v said, “In addition, 731 children underwent surgery, 510 doctors were trained, and most importantl­y 100 children took their first steps. Rehabilita­tion is provided to patients with diagnosis such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and hydrocepha­lus syndrome. We also have a charity marathon whose funds are sent to the BI-Zhuldyzai Foundation every year. We are organizing Ironman competitio­ns.”

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