Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Turkish forces hit YPG vehicle blocking fleeing civilians


TURKISH jets destroyed yesterday an earth mover belonging to the People’s Protection Units (YPG) terrorists who were blocking civilians of Afrin region to flee their oppression. Meanwhile new footage taken by drones show the group blocks civilians by also digging ditches.

A HEAVY constructi­on vehicle, which was placed on a road by the PKK’s Syrian affiliate People’s Protection Units (YPG) to block civilians leaving Afrin, was hit by the Turkish Air Force, footage released by Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) showed yesterday.

After the earth mover in Afrin city center was attacked from Turkey’s border province of Kilis, footage shot by Turkish military drones showed that it had burst into flames and was burning.

In addition, new footage taken by drones has exposed that YPG terrorists continue to block civilians from leaving Afrin town center by digging ditches, as the province is being cleansed of terror by Turkish military and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) during Operation Olive Branch.

In the video, released by the Turkish military late Wednesday, civilians are seen confrontin­g the terrorists as they attempt to leave the town center ahead of the expected clashes between Turkish forces and the YPG terrorists. As the bulldozers make ditches, civilians try to stop the heavy machinery and stand up to the terrorists.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Wednesday that he hopes Afrin town center, controlled by YPG terrorists, will be fully encircled by Wednesday evening, noting that the TSK and FSA are showing utmost care and sensitivit­y to prevent harm on civilians.

“All kinds of care is being taken. Right now, first civilians are being taken out of Afrin in vehicles through a special corridor,” Erdoğan said during a weekly meeting with local headmen at the Presidenti­al Complex in Ankara. In addition, Anadolu Agency (AA) footage Tuesday showed the YPG stopping locals who wanted to go to areas under the control of the opposition or the regime. The U.N. has recently drew attention to the issue, saying “local authoritie­s” continue to block the exodus of civilians from Afrin, ostensibly referring to the YPG.

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