Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Good Party seeks to prevent unraveling after intraparty fights


THE Good Party (İP) will gather in meetings tomorrow and Saturday to seek ways to prevent the possible unraveling of the party, an issue which has been looming since the pre-June 24 elections period.

News reports have suggested that the İP is divided into three sides, all of which will participat­e in the meetings in western Afyonkarah­isar province to draw a new road map to prevent the dissolutio­n of the party.

Having performed arguably poorly in the June 24 parliament­ary and presidenti­al elections, the three groups that emerged from within the party will separately explain their views for how the İP should proceed as it reels from a series of resignatio­ns across the country.

One wing of the İP claims that the party should not be center-right, but instead a political movement that embraces all of Turkey, suggesting that it redefine its stance as “Turkish center.” Another wing claims that the party should focus on its nationalis­t roots. The third group is rumored to believe that people from different background­s should be assigned to posts in local administra­tions.

Pundits have also said that the absence of party Chairwoman Meral Akşener in Parliament is also a reason behind the lack of unity among İP parliament­arians.

Akşener, who could not be a parliament­arian after opting to run for president and lost, reportedly warned her fellow party members recently about their relationsh­ip with the Nationalis­t Movement Party (MHP) after an İP deputy kissed MHP Chairman Devlet Bahçeli’s hand - a sign of respect for the elderly in Turkish tradition - on the first day of the new parliament­ary term.

The İP had a roller coaster-like period prior to the June 24 elections. Scores of founding party members and several provincial heads resigned from the party after expressing their discontent. The party was also shaken after Yusuf Halaçoğlu fell apart with the party administra­tion. One of the five İP members in the last Parliament, Halaçoğlu complained about his party’s failure to nominate him in the June 24 elections.

The latest resignatio­n was İP Deputy Chairperso­n Ayfer Yılmaz, who left the party last week. Speaking to Turkish media regarding the reasons for her resignatio­n, İP parliament­ary group Deputy Chairman Lütfü Türkkan said she had wanted to be assigned to a job in the presidency. Her hopes were in tatters after Akşener could only gather some 7 percent of the vote in the presidenti­al elections, while President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won the elections in the first round with more than 52 percent.

“She was a politician who designed herself to serve in the presidency. The next presidenti­al election is in 5 years. She, therefore, did not want to work in that intense tempo of politics,” Türkkan said. The İP is also expected to discuss the many resignatio­ns in the party to shed light on the recent intraparty unrest.

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